Part 2 :- Weakening Restraints

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 YiJun's POV

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 YiJun's POV

After the Zhu siblings had left, I had not been able to think or act. I had stood at the door and recalled how Xian had behaved and the things he had said just moments ago. 

I realize that I am scared to face him; I feel my legs give way and lean on the door.

So I was right after all. Xian didn't love me. Or even if he did, he didn't anymore. Our moment was over even before it had begun. Now that he had acknowledged how boring and old I was, will he leave me?

In a way, I don't blame him. I knew this was inevitable: him discarding me. Maybe Qing is better for him. They are the same age. They probably have a lot in common. She is beautiful, young, and seems to like Xian a lot. She hails from a respectable family.

Yes, it would be better for him to stay away from me. What could I offer him except danger? I was, after all, heaven's fugitive. If Heavenly Father were to get a whiff of my existence, he wouldn't hesitate to capture and end my existence once and for all.

What if he gets his hands on Xian? 

No, I couldn't let that happen. 

I am brought out of my heart-breaking thoughts when I feel Xian's arms around me. As he turns me to face him, the smile slips off his face and gets replaced with concern. He urges me to open up. He asks if I was upset because of something Hua had said. When he wipes my cheeks, I realize that somehow as I was contemplating about Xian's future away from me, I had ended up in tears.

"Tell me, Jun." He pleads.

Don't you know that I have only ever cried for you, Xian? Don't you know that only you have that power? 

I start to tell him, but he interrupts me and explains the reasons behind his action. Elation replaces desolation when he teases me; stepping closer, he bathes me in vanilla and honey.

Oh, how I have missed it, the intoxicating, seductive, sinful scent that is him, all him.

He caresses my arms casually.

Do you know what you are doing to me, Xian? 

I try to form words but fail; I can't think. The scent is overpowering me, stirring things that shouldn't leave their slumber. Does Xian not know what he is doing? Does he not care?

I want you, Xian. 

Moving closer, he leans in. His hot breath caresses the shell of my ear, sending shivers down my spine, making my rebelling heart flutter. Words like beautiful, gorgeous leave his mouth. They are for me, only me.

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