Part 3: A destined meeting

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YuTiandi (Heavenly Father's) POV

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YuTiandi (Heavenly Father's) POV

I am invincible, always have been, and always will be. To think that there would come a time when I was not all that I had presumed myself to be, was unimaginable.

Looking back, I can see where I had gone wrong. Pride and Wrath, those were the poisons that had consumed me and distanced me from reality, from what was precious, from what was mine, to protect: my children, both celestial and human.

Now, standing with Qūzhújiàn
facing Hei Chi, I realized that I had become unworthy of it. What made it worse was that my first creation had seen it before I had. Unlike YiJun, who till his last breath was ready to serve me, Hei Chi had come to seize the opportunity. He wanted to end both me and humans.

"Father, you have had my wings for far too long. It's time you give them back to me, don't you think?"

My mind clouds as his, not request, his command, sinks in.
I nod without wanting to, and Hei Chi smiles, content.

What is happening?

The fragrance of cinnamon settles between us, around us, and everything that I am, I have been, dissolves.

"Father," Hei Chi steps closer unafraid and lays his hand on my shoulder, "summon my wings." He commands like not me, but he is the ruler of heaven.

Once again, despite not wanting to, I open my palm, letting go of my sword. It hits the marble floor with a clang. I close my eyes and call for the holy weapon that allowed celestial beings to enter and exit my realm at will: wings.

A pair of jet-black wings materialize mid-air, and I hear a gasp. I glace at the abomination who kept referring to me as Grandfather and watch fear and panic dance in his almond eyes.
Zhen's eyes.

Our eyes meet for a moment, and he shakes his head. "Please, do as he says," He mouths. His lips quiver as if scared for what Hei Chi might do to me.

"Father," My son's voice drags my attention to him. "I never doubted that you still had them," his face lights up like the grace of a thousand suns was shining upon him.

However, the lights turn off not a moment later when he tries to touch it. His dark mono-lids snap up. He cradles his palm to his chest, "How dare you! They are mine."

"No, they are not yours; they are mine." I reply, and instead of choosing silence, I continue, "Unless I give them to you, you can't possess them."

Hei Chi chuckles, "Father, you are a crafty one, aren't you?" Then, shaking his head in glee, he commands, "Give them to me, father, so that I may use them to cleanse the world of your beloved humans and wield your sword. Give them to me so that I may enter and leave as I please."

"No." I bite out. I try to hang on to my will, my freedom of choice but fail.
With my will crushed, my mouth acts on its own accord, "I give you back what I took. They serve you from this day forward." I mutter and watch the wings I had summoned moments before as they turn to ash and soak into Hei Chi's palm.

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