Part 3 :- Wishes

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Xian's POV

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Xian's POV

Since the day I came to know exactly what it was that Jun did with the women behind closed doors, I have hated it. I have hated them. So, when I thought about what I wanted most, it was only natural to ask for what I had wanted for quite a few years now.

"You told me that the women you bed mean nothing to you. I want you to stop sleeping with them." I blurt out, and his eyes narrow. "Why?" He asks.

Because it hurts me to see you with them!

Because I don't want to share you with them!

Because you are mine!

"Because you said that you don't love them. And you should only be with the person who makes your heart race; the person who makes you happy; the person who you live for, and the person you would gladly die for." I explain, and he gives me a pained look.

Then his face darkens, and he turns his back towards me, "I can't do that." He says resolutely.

"Why?" I retort, turning him to face me and catch his eyes, "You promised me, Jun."

"I have needs." He explains and steps closer. His eyes roam over my face, "I am sorry, Xian."

"If you have needs, then why don't you get married!?" I bite out, and his hands ball into fists. I can see that I have hit a nerve.

Why does it anger you so, Jun?

"That's out of the question. I can't get married."

"But you can fuck!" I spit out.

"XIAN!" He yells and raises his hand. I know I have hurt him. I close my eyes, yet stand my ground. I wait for his hand to make contact with my cheek; I wait for the pain.

The pain doesn't come. Instead, I feel Jun's soft palms cup my face. I open my eyes and find his. They hold unshed tears.

"I am sorry, A Xian. Did I scare you?" He enquires, stroking my brows, "Why do you care if I sleep with them? Have I not taken care of you; provided for you. Have I not done what a guardian should?" He asks. The last sentence, barely over a whisper.

Is that all, Jun? Is that all I am to you?

When I keep staring at him, he pulls me in his arms. "I will never hurt you, my.. Xian. I am not capable of it."

But you are hurting me now!

"Won't you forgive me?" He asks.

His arms tighten around me, and I can feel him shudder. "Xian, trust me, if I could give them up, I would. In a heartbeat, I would. But I can't."

He lets go and steps back. With his eyes holding mine and tears rolling down his face, he smiles. It's painfully beautiful.

"Xian..." He starts, but I put my finger to his lips, "Can you at least tell me why you can't give them up?"

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