Part 2 :- Wishes

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YiJun's POV

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YiJun's POV

"Jun, it's beautiful. What is this place?" Xian points at the Lotus pond with an apple tree floating over its center. The red fruits, of which there are plenty, look inviting.

They call to me. 'Welcome back, 'Prince of Heaven''. I can almost hear them whisper. "Junnn.... " Xian whines pulling me out of my musings.

"Heaven's Garden." I answer, and his beautiful eyes fill with wonder, "It's your home, Jun." He states, it sounds more like a question.

"Mn." I nod, and he lets go of my hand. Stepping into the pond, he looks over his shoulder, "Won't you join me, Jun?"

"Come back." I call out, and he smirks before looking at the apple tree, "Jun, you know you can't stop me. Join me, My love." Xian requests, yet I know it's not a request. It's a command.

I hold myself back with great restrain, "Xian, come back. It's forbidden."

I hear him laugh, but it doesn't sound like him. He ignores my words and walks towards the tree, "Come, Jun." He orders and holds his hand out to me.

I shake my head, but find myself moving closer to him. I try to stop, but my feet don't obey.

Xian plucks the reddest most beautiful fruit from the tree, and offers it to me, "Have a taste, Jun. I know you want to."

I shake my head yet again, "It's forbidden. Throw it away." I snatch the apple from his hand, but before I can throw it, he throws his arms around me and we fall. My instinct to protect that which is most precious to me, kicks in and I wrap my arms around him, and then everything goes dark.

I can't let him get hurt. I won't let him get hurt.

I open my eyes at the familiar feel of my mattress beneath me, and sit up.

Did I dream? But that's not possible. Archangels can't sleep. I feel a hand creep up my naked back, and I look to my side.

"Xian! What the hell are you doing here?" I question my charge, throwing a blanket over his naked form.

He smirks, "Jun, you brought me here. Don't you remember?" He inquires innocently, his eyes moving over me. Lust clear in his almond eyes.

"No. I don't remember. Leave." I bite out, taking another sheet and covering myself.

He pouts and sits up.

Without warning, and at speeds humans are incapable of, he pulls his sheets away, and pushes me. And as soon as my back hits the mattress, and he straddles me.

"Jun, " He whispers, leaning in, "I know you want me. You have always wanted me."

The fact that his voice doesn't shake even once, and the fact that his statements are spoken without hesitation or doubt, scares me.

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