A Daughter, A Sister and A Mother

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Mei Xuan's POV

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Mei Xuan's POV

Father created us to lead his army of Angels.
Us, my two brothers and me, we led the heaven's armys.
YiJun Gege, was the oldest, Father's most trusted, most loved. And with good reason. He was loyal to the core. He was more powerful than me and A Jian put together. And he loved us. He truly did.

For eons, we did as we were told, we fought the filth from hell, we granted wishes and guided the lost souls. We never slept. We never stopped. And we never lost our faith in our Father.

Now, it has been eighteen years since he fell. And it was I, who had pushed him on that cursed day. I had no choice. If I wouldn't have pushed him, Father would have killed him. And I would have lost, not only my brother, but my son as well... My Xian.

I am an Archangel, a celestial entity. We are forbidden to love. We are forbidden from giving or receiving, carnal pleasures. It's a sin that diminishes our aura, our power.
But that is exactly what I did... I fell in love, and I doomed not only myself, but my brother as well.

Eighteen years ago, I was assigned to look over a family, who had the fate of an entire nation resting on their shoulders. I did as I was told. I met them, made them trust me and guided them. Of course, they didn't know who or what I truly was.

Those days, the days that I spent with them, pretending to be a human, were the best days of my existence. I had always wondered what it would be like, to live and love, like humans.

Curiosity, I blame myself for being curious. I blame myself for falling in love. I blame myself for everything that happened after.

When I had told Gege, that I had fallen in love and given myself to a human, he was upset and perturbed.

"Meimei, Father will never forgive you." He had said, holding me close to his chest.

I had cried in his arms for hours. And he had held me. He had made sure that my sin was hidden from our Father. And he had been successful...at least for a while.

I had ended my relationship with the mortal with a heavy heart, for if Father would get even a faintest whiff of what had transpired in that home, not only him, but his whole family would be finished in a matter of seconds. I did not want that. I was in love, after all.

Things had not gone according to plan. I had found out a few days later, that I was carrying the mortal's child.
How it had happened, was beyond me.
Once again I had confided in Gege, and we had come up with a plan to protect me and my unborn child, from heaven's wrath.

Brother had pleaded with Father on my behalf, to let me meditate in the Kunlan mountain to purify my spiritual energy.

Father had agreed, he knew that spending time with humans drains our power and taints us with the sins they, the mortals, commit knowingly or unknowingly.

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