Part 1 :- Missing You

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Xian's POV

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Xian's POV

Mia and Cheng don't tell me where we are going even after having asked n number of times. After almost half an hour of driving, Mia hands me a scarf and asks me to tie it around my neck.

"Come on guys, is this really necessary?", I crib but take the offered scarf nonetheless. 

 "We want it to be a surprise, Xi." Mia turns around and whispers before winking.

"Why are you whispering, it's not like there is anyone else in the car with us," I say shaking my head disapprovingly at the stupid things my friends come up with.

"Just do as she says dude, that's the only way to shut her up." Cheng who is driving the car, suggests.

I sigh and do as I am told and a few moments later the car slows down.

"Gas," Cheng announces, and I hear the car door open and close, a couple of times.

"Guys, is everything okay?" I ask when it takes longer than usual.

"Everything's fine, Xi. Cheng had forgotten to take his wallet." Mia answers and goes quiet, but I can tell that there is something on her mind. I want to ask her what it is, but I decide against it.

'Maybe she will feel uncomfortable to discuss it in front of Cheng.' I tell myself and continue to remain silent.

Though many in college think that Mia and I have been going steady since junior high, the truth is that Mia is like my best friend and sister, all rolled into one. It was through Mia, that I had met Cheng. Mia and Cheng were neighbors and grew up in each other's homes. I guess, that is what happens when your parents are best friends. If it were up to their parents, they would have probably already married my best friends off to each other, but unfortunately they had realized that their kids had long since friend-zoned each other.

Their parents were shocked but had soon moved on. Thus when Mia had found and befriended me, Cheng had just casually entered my life as well.

But lately, I have not been feeling comfortable with Mia coming over. Especially when Jun was around, Mia, who only ever used to talk to me, had started engaging Jun in our conversations. She had started smiling and laughing at his dumb jokes. If that wasn't enough, she had also started bringing over her experimental cooking for Jun to taste as well.

And Jun... he was always overtly polite to her, greeting her, giving her suggestions...tasting her food... Compliment on what a good cook she was turning out to be, thanking her for keeping me company. What's more, the last time Mia and Cheng had come over for finishing our joint assignments he had even asked them to stay over for dinner and a movie!

An unreasonable yet possible thought had started taking shape in my mind. What if Jun had started liking Mia? I mean, I already knew for a fact that Mia was attracted to Jun... I can't blame her though. Jun is a very desirable man. But what about Jun? Did he too desire my best friend?

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