Part 1 :- Darkness Falls

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Xian's POV

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Xian's POV

Everything goes silent and I open my eyes.

I see a faint blue glow emitting from a few feet away. It makes my heart race and fills me with happiness.

The glowing humanoid form turns and I see him... I see my Jun.

What are you doing here, Jun? 

Did you follow me? 

Did you miss me too? 

I keep looking at him, ignoring everything happening around me. I can see him clearly, but it looks like he can't see me.


I am brought out of my thoughts when the speaker crackles once more and the sound of thunder fills the hall.

Qing screams once again digging her nails into my arms. And I am done with her trying to cling to me. I can't take it anymore. I free myself from her iron grip and move away.

I hear her calling my name frantically but I can't bring myself to care.

I can always blame it on the crowd and confusion if she chooses to confront me. But right now, Jun is here and I need to be closer to him.

I move through the crowd until I am right behind Jun.

The floor stops shaking.

"Are you ready to be punished?" I hear a menacing voice inquiry over the speaker just before the floor jerks, and starts moving forward.

I look ahead and find us entering another hall. It's as dark as the one we had just left and I feel something slither next to my feet, barely missing it.

Almost immediately, I hear most of girls and a few of the boys freak out and start screaming. Time slows down as I see the girl directly in front of Jun being pushed back and fall, while Jun just stands there.

Instinctively moving forward, my hands travel the remaining distance and wrap around Jun's middle, and I pull him towards myself.

His back collides with my chest and I stop breathing. With no one to break her fall, the unfortunate girl hits the floor, landing on her rear.

Jun realizes what has happened and tries to help her.


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