The Gift

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Every century, since the time Hei Chi, the first fallen angel, Heavenly Father's first creation, had taken the throne of the underworld, he had made it a point to invest in the mortals who his father had held closest to his jade-like heart.

He had sent his spies, those who could travel the two realms: the mortal and the underworld, without arousing suspicion from the heavenly realm to find and inform him about those who held power or those who had the potential to change the world.

For thousands of years, Hei Chi had turned and influenced the fortunes and destinies of many. He had almost always succeeded in getting what he wanted. Almost. He had only failed once. And the price that he had paid for it had just about left him broken; almost made him give up on his quest, quest for revenge.

It was only recently that Hei Chi had found a reason to return to the mortal realm and offer a lucky human a deal. Coincidentally, the man who Hei Chi had chosen was none other than the son of a man who already owed his soul to him.


Hua and Qing were royalty in everything but name; their father, Zhu Chao, owned the largest entertainment company in China: the Fènghuáng Huǒ Entertainment. Apart from television and movie production and distribution, the company also had its paws in various other businesses. Most of them legal.

Since the beginning, Zhu Chao had kept his children away from the media. Therefore, nothing much was known about them. The astute businessman had made sure that once he steps down, his children won't be taken advantage of by his rivals or allies alike.

Qing and Hua weren't like the stereotypical rich brats; they were intelligent and didn't flaunt their status or wealth. Qing, the younger of the two, who had just finished high school, had already won over every heart with her beauty, grace, and pleasing personality. Hua, the older, was already running half of the business in his father's name. 

It was no wonder that Hei Chi had taken an interest in the siblings, especially Hua. When the king of the underworld had appeared in front of him disguised as the young man's assistant and revealed the truth of his fortune, Hua had not believed him. How could he, for Hei Chi had hidden his true visage and taken a human form.

His disbelief had soon dissipated when Hei Chi hand brought out the contract that had his father's unmistakable signature on it. What little remained was put to rest when he had called his father, who had panicked and asked him to stall the creature and not offend him. Hua had felt betrayed, shaken to the core. Yet, the young man had stood up to him and told him to leave them alone. He had stated proudly that his father had given his everything to build the company and that the king did not have the right to anything, leave alone half the empire.

Hei Chi was impressed. He had always been fond of strong men; men who stood up to him, challenged him. So, Hei Chi had offered him a new deal. A deal that would make the one he had with his father null and void and free his family and business from the previous bond.

Of course, the young man had resisted despite his father warning him, for Hua did not want to make any deals with the king. At this point, Hei Chi had snapped his fingers, making Zhu Chao suffer a heart attack. "I can do much worse." The king of the underworld had threatened the distraught young man, and gesturing to snap his fingers once again, he had added, "Are you fond of your father? Would it hurt you if I was to drag his soul to the underworld right now?"

Very reluctantly, he had agreed. In return, Hei Chi had promised Hua that he would not let any harm befall their bodies and would not lay claim to their souls or taint them with the mark of the underworld.

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