Part 4: Risks

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YiJun's POV

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YiJun's POV

The rage that blankets my father's whole being scares me. My hope turns to dust, and I wonder, 'Had I placed too much faith in the love that father had for me once? Was I wrong in coming to thinking that he would accept my request?'

"Love and acceptance, Father. Above all, he wants you, all of you to accept him." I add, hoping that my incomplete truth will help reign in my father's anger.

It doesn't.

Father stays silent, but the blue, limitless sky over our heads darkens; his hands clench at his sides and shake, and his usually calm orbs turn turbulent. Our eyes remain locked even as the light gets replaced by dull grey.

"Father!" I hear Meimei before I see her; at once, the ruler of heaven looks away, and the dark clouds looming over our heads dissipate.

"Xuan..." Father mutters; my eyes follow him, and there, within reach, stands my sister, looking at me with tears and judgment in her eyes; I could tell that she had heard and witnessed everything.

Xuan's gaze moves to my right and settles on our father. Her eyes blaze, but I can't place the emotion; it looks alien on her gentle countenance. My sister joins us and bows, first to Father and then to me. Then she gets directly to the point, "Father, brother has returned as you have always wanted. He is ready to fight for you like the old times. He told you that my son is good. Do you still intend to end him just because he should not have been born?"

Father fixes her with a stern gaze, "Xuan, how dare you ask..."

"Why would I not stand up for Xian? He is my son. Would you stand by and watch our end without doing anything!? If you did not want me to be compassionate, why did you allow me the privilege of experiencing emotions?"

"Xuan, I..."

"Father, you hold our lives in your hands. I understand if you have made up your mind to end his existence." My sister goes on her knees, and her wings, as white as mine were black, unfurl, "Please, if you have ever loved me, then either end us both or pardon us both; had I not given myself to his father, Xian wouldn't have been born."

Father pales as his cheeks lose color; he sways, clutches his chest and staggers back. I am afraid that if it weren't for me holding him steady, he would have collapsed on the throne.

"Did willing gave..." he mutters under his breath.

I hadn't seen him like this, even when he was under the impression that I had violated Xuan. My father closes his eyes and shakes his head as if willing us to disappear.

To be honest, I was shocked as well, for when Xuan had told me that she was expecting, it hadn't occurred to me that she had done it on her own accord, but by spending time among mortals, I had learned to read eyes; they honestly were windows to one's soul.

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