And Nothing Else Matters (angsty, fluff)

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I hope you'll like this, it is very short (around 600 words) and it isn't too angsty.

It was requested by Namsy055

Writing has been hard for me for moths now and I'm trying to find a way to rebuild myself but I really miss when I could write. But I'm managing to write so enjoy :)

I'm sorry if there's grammar mistakes but I'm tried :(

Xelqua smiled at the paper in hands, the turned around, leaving the map on the table.

"It's done" he sighed, a peaceful almost fond smile had crept into his face as he looked up at his boyfriend standing besides him back to the wall.

"It is" Xen smiled, looking back at the young watcher. There was something incredibly genuine affection, adoration on his face, the way he smiled at the other.

"I'm gonna miss you" Xelqua signed, his lips curling into a sad frown. He stood away from the table walking towards Xen. He embraced him in a grand hug, arms loosely wrapped around his torso, head laying on his shoulder.

"We'll never see eachother again" he whispered, Den could feel his breath on his neck. "That's if we succeed. But if we don't... " His voice quieted, it was barely a whisper.

"Then we'll... I don't know what will happen" he shuddered, Xen pulled a hand around his back for reassurance.

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes or hours, neither of them felt the time passing. Xelqua buried his head in Xen's neck, pressing a soft kiss into it, lightly sucking on the skin. Xen shivered slightly, turning his head so it was facing Xelqua, pushing him away with his nose and placing a soft kiss onto his forehead. Xel mumbled something but he couldn't hear it.

Xelqua suddenly pushed the other's head aside to give him access to his neck and started attacking it with kisses. Xen groaned out loudly at the sudden attack of lips and quickly flipped them over, now Xel was pinned to the wall. He let out a fustrated groan, but quickly got used to being pushed up the wall and getting showered in kisses.


Xelqua floated in the void. It was calm and peaceful, the stark opposite of his mind.

He was struggling. Today he had lost two of his best friends, one was his lover. Tecnically they were still alive but he would never see them again. He didn't have a place to go, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to go anywhere anymore. That would be easy for sure, to let just go.

But Xen wouldn't want that and he didn't want something that would never hurt him.


He joined a server. It was an amazing place with many wonderful people. He quickly made friends with many of them, he found a really good friend in a guy called Mumbo. The man was a redstone genius, and he really seemed to care for him. He finally felt like he was a home.

But something was still missing.


Mumbo had a crush on him. He didn't tell, but it was so easy to read him, he was an open book. This made Grian feel awful. He didn't want to make the guy suffer trough unrequited love but he didn't feel like he could ever love him.

That he could ever let go of Xen.



He met Xen. He was here on Hermitcraft, they could live their life's together happily.

Things were too good to be right.


Good news, Mumbo had gotten over him. Bad news, he has hanahaki for Cleo. Grian can't afford to lose another friend, he can't, he'd lose himself.

He tries, tries his best to help. Maybe it helps, maybe it doesn't. Zen is there to help too. He's stressed.


Grian smiles contently sitting in the lap of a sleeping Xenon. He's happy. Finally he feels fully home, accepting his place on earth.

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