A tired buider (fluff)

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Fluff, fluff and fluff... Super cute convex story. :)

Trigger warning! Lethal adorableness!

Ship: ScarxCubfan

800 words, not too long, not too short.

Scar, can I come in?

Cub knocked on Larry's door, which somehow wasn't stolen.

Ughh.. yes, but please don't judge I can't control the chesmonsters here. - Scar said a bit unsure.

Oh come on, Scar, you can do better, I'll help you tidy this up. How do you even live in this place, it's impossible! - sighed the Vex stepping in.

It's normal living place you're just too neat. - whined the cowboy.

Do you want my help or not? - asked Cub laughing.

Yes, I do. - answered Scar grumpily.

Hey, love it's okay. - said Cub stepping closer, hugging the other from waist, planting a loving kiss on his forehead. Scar purred into his love's chest, melting into his touch.

Sshh, it's ok, dear, we'll clean this up later. Actually I came because I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out somewhere, as a date?

Yes - Scar muffled into Cub's labcoat.

And where would that be? - The grey bearded man sat down the bed, pulling his boyfriend onto his lap, hugging him.

I don't know, I just want to be with you - Scar whined.

You seem tired, should we go just to the flower forest near us? I could set us up a picnic. - Cub offered.

You always have better ideas than me. - the other stated.

Then I'll go and pack stuff, get ready!


The two lovebirds sat in a middle of a flower forest, a large blanket laid down under them, the remaining of a cake, and some drinks on it. Scar rested his head on Cub's lap, who gently stroke his hair. It was like a dream date.

They sat there for about an hour, none of them measured the time. It was nice, enjoying eachother's company, in peace. If felt like an eternity spent together, but the sun was setting, and they had to get up before mobs start coming.

Cub packed the food into his inventory, and picked up his half sleeping boyfriend, carrying him back to Larry, getting off his shoes, hat and coat, (nothing else!) placing him down in his bed, planting a soft kiss on his forehead.

Love you, sleep well. - he whispered to him.

Cuuub stay with mee - he yawned.

Love I have work to do, you know it.

Pleaseee just now, I'll help you with it just stay. - he tried to keep him there.

Just now for you. - Cub gave up. He got of his shoes, and labcoat, laying beside Scar, who snuggled into his chest. Cub pulled a hand through his hair, hugging him with the other.

Tomorrows gonna be a hard day, we'll have to clean up your base, and you promised me to help with mine. - the redstoner sighed.

Gimme a kiss Cub pleeaseee. - Scar whined.

You're so clingy, when tired - Cub chuckled, then leaned in giving Scar a long-lasting, loving kiss.

I love you so much - said Cub.

I love you too, now let's sleep. - Scar muffled into his boyfriend's t-shirt.


Grian was going on a midnight door stealing quest again, sneaking near Larry, his first victim. He listened around, but the noises of the jungle covered up every noise coming from the snail.

The door-thief opened the door as quietly as he could. He spyed in. He hadn't seen Scar in the firs floor, so he climbed up the ladder to witness a lethal amount of cuteness from the two Vex sleeping soundly, snuggling together. Grian pulled out a phone to took a picture of them. He took a photo, but in the darkness, nothing was visible.

Would a flash wake them up? He thought. Probably wouldn't. He clicked the flash and took another photo. But his calculations didn't work well, Cub woke up.

Who the hell is this is you Scar? - he almost shouted, but the kept his tone quiet, as he saw that Scar is sleeping.

Who is there? - he said more firmly, but still not loud, to don't wake up Scar.

Nobody - squeaked Grian, trying to run away, but he messed up the direction of the stairs, and bumped into a wall.

You better let us alone! - hissed Cub, summoning two swords in his hands.

Ok, ok I'm going - Grian tried escaping from him.

Oh and before you leave, you'll delete those pictures, and swear me to don't tell anyone about this, or I'll tell X that you're a watcher. - Cub added.

I don't have to say, Grian vanished as Cub let him go.

What happened? - asked Scar in a tired voice, as he just woke up in the middle of the night.

Nothing, just scared off that nasty door-thief. - answered Cub, going back to bed.

Oh, thanks - Scar whispered, snuggling into Cub, clearly more interested in sleep and his boyfriend, that the jungle bandit.
Can we sleep now? - he asked tiredly.

Cub just gave him a kiss on his forehead, hugging him closer, slowly both drifting into deep slumber.

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