Incorrect Quotes 2.

925 43 196

I'm not back fully, I'm going on holiday, and don't know yet wther will I have time to write, or have WiFi. So the break may'll be a bit longer, sorry. I'm feeling better, I have some ideas, a ZIT, and a XbCraftedx  VintageBeef one, so stories will come back, just in a slower pace. But until that, here are some incorrect quotes.

Words: 1000

"No one has the permission to smack my butt"



Grian: Do you even know what an amulet is?

Zedaph: Of course I do! I eat amulets sometimes, I like the ones with bacon and onion

Grian: Those are omelettes

Zedaph: Oh, then I got nothing


*on team G meeting*

Mumbo: We're kinda missing something guys

Joe: Cohesion?

Stress: Teamwork?

Tango: A general sense of what are we doing?

Mumbo: Guys we're missing Cleo

Grian: Oh, that too


Xisuma: So I saw a bunch of corpses in the yard...

X: Did you have to do anything with that?

Biffa: Why do you automatically assume it has something to do with me?



Biffa: Alright, fair enough


Xisuma: That's not funny

Biffa: I thought it is

X: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you remembered a meme you liked


Doc: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river

Ren: Wrong, I look like a cool rockstar who just OD'd into his own pool. Big difference.


Zedaph: I'm a firm believer that "If you fail, might as well fail spectacularly"


Ren: Question, when they shot Bambi's mother did you find it sad?

Doc: I'm sure she's mounted on a nice wall in a fine home somewhere


Ren: How do tall people sleep at night when the blanket doesn't cover all of you and your toes stick out?

Doc: Shut up Ren, it's 1am

Ren: So you can't sleep huh? Is it because of the blanket?


Ren: We both look handsome tonight

Doc: You know, if you'd just said "you look handsome" I would have said "so do you"

Ren: I couldn't take that chance


Mumbo: Is what have you planned for the future?

Cleo: Lunch

Mumbo: No, like long term

Cleo: What, like dinner?

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