Empire (songfic)

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So I tried writing a songfic. I don't know if it's good enough, but I tried.

2300 words.

There is not much shipping in this one.

Hermit group chat

Guys, super important
sever meeting, at the town
hall in the shopping

Everyone comes, it's
emergency, no excuses.
Don't be late or I'll kill you.

X and Xen has been
kidnapped by the remaining
"Evil watchers"


Grian stood in front of the town hall, a piece of paper in his hand's which read:

(We have Xisuma and Xenon. If you want them back, meet us at the end. Surrender and we may give them back to you. the watchers)

"So now that everyone is here, I and Biffa have to tell you some things," Grian said. "Xisuma and his former evil brother Xenon has been kidnapped by the remaining Evil or Black watchers. That means that the server is weaker, the only admin here is Biffa, who is level 5 currently. I can put some spells to save the portal, but it won't last long. So we have two options. As in the message sent to me by watchers, I can surrender myself, and they may give the Void twins back. Now it is a May, and I personally don't think they will give them back, as they are the only descendants of the Void family, the strongest admin family tree, the only sons of Xerxes and Xeophilia Void, but you have the right to vote for that. On the other side, I am the only current level 12 watcher, and I suspect there won't be any of the higher than Lvl 10, yet it can be still a difficult fight. Grian finished his speech, leaving most of the hermits shocked. " So who votes to the first option?" I ask, fully knowing the consequences of my actions. I learned them well enough, at the time and I was ready to fight for my friends. No person raised a hand, which meant they all agreed to fight.


The server was ready for a battle, each and every one of the hermits stood in front of a portal frame I made, which will lead us to the end dimension of the watchers, in the past world of Evo. It was a hard process to make mid-server portals, but currently, I was the only person to be able to do it, so I tried hard enough for it to work. "So we're ready?" I ask, running my eyes through the crowd. "Yes," I hear from everywhere. I light up the portal, and step in, letting the dancing mist take me to where I need to be.

I can hear the whispers in my sleep
The voices telling me this should be mine
You (You)
You claim you trust me (You claim you trust me)
You think I don't see the doubt behind your eyes

I step out, shaking my head, clearing the portal dizziness. I walk out to step into an endstone path leading to a large build. It looks like an EnCity, but stronger, bigger, and more beautiful. It has a large main tower, made with yellow and purple blocks, sadly majorly by my hands, the prison is at the top of it, I sadly know this place well enough it was built by me when I was a forced watcher. I quickly change into my watcher form, using my best illusion spells to make my wings black, and hide the marks on my clothes which indicates my rank. 

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