Truth or Dare (fluff)

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Guess what another part, and a finished ZIT ship story! A thousand thanks to SharkBait1323666 who I had a collab with, they wrote the second half of it, check out their Hermitcraft book to, it's super good.

Words: 1600

"Guysguysguys who wants to play truth or dare?" Grian shouted from full throat, trying to outspeak the jukeboxes loud noise. Many drunk hermits were scattered around in Grian's old hobbit-hole, this place somehow made itself to be the home of most of the parties they threw, the homey spruce interior and the beautiful decorations, the way Grian built the place made a perfect place for the gatherings they had monthly.

These events usually ended with most hermits tipsy by the evenings, only somewhere sober, the ones who usually never drank, or didn't drink much.

But this night many of usually sober hermits were somewhat tipsy, X was drunkenly clinging on Biffa, trying to get him in something. Joe seemed sober at first sight, but his face was deeply flushed, as he explained something to Cleo and Mumbo maybe a bit too intensely. Mumbo was slightly dishevelled, and his suit was wrinkled, jacket unbuttoned and threatening to fall off under Cleo's grasp. The zombie was clearly drunk, trying to blabber something, while her dark orange hair fell into her face multiple times.

Impulse stood in a corner, watching over his friends, holding a can of beer in his hands, lazily sipping from it. But the time was getting late, and he was getting a bit tipsy after some time, he was drinking his third beer. He decided that this is gonna be the last, as he was scared if he'll get too tipsy and out himself in front of his crushes. He was deep in love with his two best friends, and couldn't afford to lose them just because he got too drunk one night. His friends were more important than anything for him, and he'd do anything for them.

Iskall was sitting on a couch on the side of the room, intensely making out with Stress, forgetting the others presence but his fiancé. They were overly heated in the moment, Stress sitting on Iskall's lap, lips intertwined together.

The only sober man was Etho, who could not drink because of his alcohol intolerance, so he stuck to his girlfriend and watched her talking with the two drunken boyfriends, Bdubs and Keralis. They were originally talking about some building stuff, but as they got more and more tipsy the conversation was getting off the topic. Etho was trying to get out of the discussion when heard Grian's yells.

"What?" he shouted back, not hearing clearly what did the boy say.

"Doc turn down the fucking music we can't hear anything!" screamed someone from the crowd, so the said man turned off the jukeboxes.

"What the fuck is going on?" Ren groaned as he got separated from his boyfriend for seconds, with a disappointed look on his face.

We're playing Truth or Dare" yelled Grian in the loud room.

"Everybody calm the fuck down, we're playing ToD, get your shit together, and sit in a circle" shouted Ex, trying to tidy up the situation.

A few minutes, someone opening the door, and Ex shouting his lungs out, and the hermits sat in a circle on pillows, ready to play.

"So we have some rules because I don't trust some of you in this state" Grian spoke, while the hermits made disappointed faces, not really liking rules. "No dangerous and sexual dares, and none which includes cheating" he said, calming the herd down, although Doc and Ren still was a bit grumpy.

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