Incorrect Quotes 1.

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So, I spent 5 hours doing this... There are some NSFW and super shippy stuff, so if you don't like that don't read it.

Also: Thank you for 10k reads, I don't know how to thank it well... Love for everyone who read this book <3

Mumbo: That pasta was good, say my compliments to the chef

Cleo, to the chef: Hey, you have beautiful eyes


Zedaph, to a bee: High five!

*be actually high fives him*

Zed: yeyy


Stress: Iskall, did you do the dishes?

Iskall: I thought you wanted to do that

Stress: Well, you were wrong


Ren: I love friendship, almost as much as I love myself


Mumbo, with flowers: Happy one year Cleo!

Cleo: I'm 132 years old


Iskall: Look at this man, he's magic man, he's gonna touch this fire.

TFC: Touches wood in campfire


Zedaph: Impulse I have a question for you

*jumps underwater, pointing at Impulse's legs*

Zed: WhY Do YOu wEAr cRoCS undErwATer


Joe: I'm maybe just a hermit at day, but at night I'm a NiGHt HerMit


Ex: The first time I met you I could tell that you were gay

Ren: Well, I wasn't really hiding it

Ex: No, Like I Could Tell

Ren: O-okay


Bdubs: Look at that fucking cornfield, that's a nice cornfield.

Bdubs, walking in between the plants: This is a nice cornfield


Doc, browsing his phone: Gay marriage is now legal in America

Doc: Wanna get married?

Ren: Yea, let's go baby


*When they were 15*

Ex: *walks in the room with a gun*

Ex: *shoots chandelier*

Xisuma: This is why mom doesn't like you


Joe: Ex what do you wanna be?

Ex: President.

Joe: Aww

Ex: So I can make slavery legal again

Joe: A- aww *runs away*


Grian: I don't follow rules. I follow cats and social media.


Doc, trying to improve his English: What are friends with benefits?

X: Uhmm... a special type of friends

Doc: Like us?

X: What, no!


Iskall: *busts into Grian's base*

Iskall: WaKe uP SLeePyHEad

Grian: What the fuck?

Ex, who's now visible from behind Grian: What the hell man?

Iskall: OOOOOooooooHHHhhhhh


Bdubs, packing for a camp: A fly swatter in case someone is trying to get your food and you're like no, and slap them.


Doc: Booo

Ren: Stop, I could've dropped my croissant


X: What was the only thing I told you not to do?

Biffa: Burn the kitchen down

X: And what did you do?

Biffa: Made you dinner



Biffa: And burnt the kitchen down


Stress: Imagine being paid for being cute

Iskall: You'd be rich

Stress: *blushes*


Bdubs: Speed limit 40 huh? What about 43?


Ren and Doc: Sees anti-gay-rights protesters

Doc: Watch this motherfuckers *kisses Ren*


Grian: Dear diary, today I lost my diary so I'm writing on my two Kung Fu Panda 2 DVDs.


Jevin: You had a crush on me? So embarrassing

Wels: We're literally boyfriends

Jevin: Still


Grian and Iskall: Mumbo, why are you late from the Sahara meeting?

Mumbo: At technical error occurred, causing an unexpectedly long bought of unconsciousness.

Iskall: Did you oversleep again?


X: Ex what have you got there?

Ex: A knife!

X: Nooo


Grian, at 3am: What if Cinderella was a baking slave instead of a cleaning slave, and she would be called Mozzarella?

Ex: I love you, but shut the fuck up it's three am, and I want to sleep.


X: I hope you guys have an explanation for this

Tango: We have three actually

Zed: Pick your favourite


Ren: C'mon Doc, I wasn't that drunk last night

Doc: You tried to colour my face with a highlighter because I Was ImPOrtaNT

Ren: Because you are >:(


Keralis: Sabra gives you all nutrition you need.

Keralis: Like 0 gran trans fat, and Oh mY gOd cHolESterOl.


Grian: How do you know what's good for me?

Grian: ThAT's My oPIniON


Ren: Holy mothertrucker that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick


Xisuma: *diving past gay marriage protesters*

Biffa, out the window: I LOVE SUCKING D*CK! I LOVE SUCKING D*CK!


Sign: Road works ahead

TFC: Yeah, sure hope it does


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