Night walk (fluff)

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Sorry, I haven't been uploading yesterday and before that, I just didn't have inspiration. But now I have! So enjoy a RenDoc story ;)

1000 words

Thank Omega_Simp ideas. :)

Huh, Ren sighed, sitting down on his bed at his newly built base in Tattooren Valley. Today, he had successfully blown up his base, and his loved mushroom Pamela. Nothing left, just some broken pillars and arches, the whole landscape was ruined. Luckily, Sandy Cat had survived. He wasn't very troubled, it was his problem, and he wanted to build another base anyways, so he took it as a sign to start a new home. He had a sight, of a Star Wars-style little village, so he settled down in the mesa, near the Bigger Logz Quadro-chopper log farm, and he built up his new hut. He called the place Tattooren Valley, after the village in the film. It had turned out nicely even if only just one dome-shaped build was made. He was happy with himself, he'd done much more that he thought he would, so he decided it's time to go to sleep. He took off his shoes, changed into his pyjamas, and went to bed. He lied his head on the soft pillows, thinking his day through. He was mostly pleased with himself, but there was some sick feeling in the back of his head. His strange dreams kept haunting him, and Pamela's quiet mooow's weren't there to calm him. Nevermind he, thought and drifted into a light sleep.

He woke up in the middle of the night after a terrible nightmare. He didn't remember to it, but the shock was there, and he couldn't fall back to sleep. He decided that the best is if he takes a walk around, it will probably calm him down. He quietly dressed up, trying not to wake up the others. When he was ready, in his ragged, but now clean clothes he set for a walk around. He didn't really watch where he went, just followed his legs, what brought him. He strolled around for around thirty-forty minutes when he arrived at a large half mansion, owned by Docm77, his best friend. They hadn't met a lot in season seven, but their friendship never broke, and it helped Ren calm down and organize his feelings.

You see, he had a large crush on Doc. Like an enormous one. He never really known from when did he love the creeper more than friends, but it wasn't yesterday. But he learned to live with it. He was a professional at locking, controlling his feeling, even his friends didn't really know him much. They thought about him as an always happy guy, a good builder, who was capable of doing decent Redstone, even if it wasn't his expertise. But there was much more in him. His past was messy he didn't remember much of it, except for one thing: others shouldn't know your feelings, or they can use you. So he made himself a cheerful guy who never had any problems. But his crush was getting worse, sometimes they hang out, he almost lost himself and tried to kiss Doc. Of course, that couldn't happen. But yet here he was now, standing in front of Docm's half mansion, staring at the door. What should he do? Turn back? Then why did he even go here in the first place? Knock? He'll just wake up Doc, and he probably wouldn't like it. But then what. Finally, he decided along the craziest of his ideas. He climbed up the small hill next to the house, then jumped grabbing onto the edge of the house, trying to climb in. But then of course at the worst time, a phantom had spotted him. It cried out loudly, before targeting him. It shot down, delivering a large hit that, Ren almost dropped, he hung there, holding himself by one hand.

Doc - he cried, trying to grab the edge with his other hand, before the phantom attacks again.
Doc, please help, phantoms - he moaned, tears prickling from his eyes.

Doc, who was sleeping soundly had woken up by someone screaming his name. First, he thought he was just dreaming it, but he heard it again, Ren was whining for help. He stood up from his bed when he saw the wounded hermit clinging on the edge of his room. He quickly ran up to him and grabbed his hand, pulling him up to his pink bedroom.

What happened to you - grunted Doc, waking up to a chest, getting out a first aid kit. He sat down on the floor, next to Ren.

Are you allergic to iodine? - he asked.
Red shook his head, so he put some betadine on a cotton bud, and started cleaning out his wounds.

Ren just laid there allowing Doc to take care of his injuries. Sometimes he hissed from pain, but he tried keeping it in, as the creeper-hybrid was helping him.

After sometimes, Doc had finally finished bandaging up Ren who was half-asleep at the time. When Doc stood up, he lifted his head and tried to stand up.

I'm sorry for bothering you, I should get going, I don't want to bother you - he jabbered, as he tried to get away.

No way, you're staying here, you are seriously hurt, you can stay here for the next day - Doc said sternly. He picked up the scared hermit, and lied him down at his bed, after taking off his shoes. He climbed in next to Ren, who had nuzzled his head in his bare chest, listening to the slow beating of his heart. Doc put an arm around him, gently stroking his hair with the other.

It's gonna be okay Ren, you're safe - he whispered, leaning close to his hears.

I love you - mumbled Ren into his chest, before realizing what he had said, grabbing onto Doc more, in fear that he will push him away. Stupid himself, he should've kept his emotions inside, now Doc will laugh at him.

But Doc just pulled him up, closer that Ren's head rested on his shoulder.

I love you too, what did you think - he breathed, lifting up Ren's head giving him a soft kiss.

I love you so much - Doc said again, making sure Ren heard it. Then both drifted into sleep, cuddling into the other.

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