Space 3. (fluff)

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Part three, and final. I hope you enjoyed reading this story. Have a good day!

Words: 1900

Biffa and X sat together on the sofa, both looking over Biffa's phone. The pair just shared their relationship in social media, and they were replying to some comments. Biffa was at X's post, reply to the hate comments.

SamTheRabbit: why do we have faggots planning our rockets, and why are we sending faggots to space?

Biffa: because these gay people are smarter than you

Ricsi92: why are those boys kissing? Are they gay? Go be gay at home, the word doesn't need to know about your sickness!

Biffa: You're the sick one, go be homophobic at home, the world doesn't need to know about your toxicity!

Eagle55: I'm ok with gay, but please not here, my kids like to watch it, and I do not want them to be gay

Biffa: The get them off of fucking social media! Gay people have the same right to post pictures kissing as straights, and I hope your kids saw this, and wouldn't become an asshole like you.

MillyPony: boys shouldn't kiss! Go and kiss girls!

Biffa: 6-year-olds shouldn't be on social media, go and play with your barbies

StarLollie: I'm not homophobic, and I accept gays but please not here! We don't want people like you plan our rockets, or fly in them.

Biffa: I do not hate homophobic people, but PLEASE FUCK OFF

Spacexpress: I can't believe that fucking faggots are planning our rockets. That engineer guy looks like a 17-year-old, he should go back to school, and the other should stop manipulating that poor boy, and teach him that being gay is not okay.

Biffa: Well you should go to school and learn that LGBTQ+ is ok, and pedophilia is NOT A FUCKING JOKE! Also, Xisuma is 27, and he finished university in both engineering and maths, so I guess you're just jealous that my boyfriend is smarter than you.

Love, get off the phone we have to go to the space centre, this is the last training, and it's already 6 am.

Biffa yawned, but stood up and stretched his back, getting ready. I'm going to miss you he said, pulling X in an affectionate kiss, his hands wrapped around the other boy's waist. They kissed lovingly for a few minutes, before parting, X resting his head on Biffa's shoulder. But the moment was broken, as they had to get to the NASA Centre, to have the last practice (with Etho) and to get quarantined.


"So you guys came out on social media?" Asked Etho, at the two walked in the room in which the simulator was. "Yes, get off of it" grunted Biffa. Somehow their relationship didn't get better even after the time they spent together, but at least they could launch the rocket well without fighting.

"Guys this is the last simulation, behave," Xisuma said sternly, looking at the two men. "Now get in, and I want no mistakes"


It was the day of the launch. Biffa and Etho were already in their suits, their team checking it if it has a problem.

After they finished, they went to the cars, which will take them to the landing pad. Biffa waved one last time to X, then took his seat, letting the people connect him to the special car. The door was shut, and the convoy started to make it's way to the rocket ship. The road was especially boring to Biffa, as Etho wouldn't stop talking, annoying him to death. "How do you call an alligator in the west?" "Shut the fuck up" "False, an investigator" Etho laughed. "Etho, please stay quiet, if everything goes right, and the weather decides to help us, we're taking off now." Sighed Biffa almost giving up on silencing his mate. The whole way up to the launching platform was the same, Etho cracking bad jokes, Biffa trying to shut him up, the doctor and the driver hoping to survive.

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