Bottled up (fluff)

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This story takes place early season 7.

Ship: convex

A bit sad, but not much, fluffy happy ending.

1800 words, I'm really proud of this.

Many people questioned, that Cub and Scar settled far away from eachother in this season, as they were best friends in all seasons before, they were the Convex, they made ConCorp, yet they started their bases so far away from the other.

The truth is Cub has a crush on Scar. Not too scarry right? But for the vex hybrid, it was straight terrifieing. As he kept it in for THREE YEARS! Three years, bottling up your feelings can drive you mad, and he lived so close to him, being best friends, pranking people, or building up a company. During all those years hiding your feelings, acting natural, while every inch of your body just wants to kiss the person next to you.

So Cub grew tired of it. He knew that he would miss Scar, his laugh, his happy face, his enchanting voice, how he would calm him down if everything goes wrong, he would still be happy if things doesn't go as planned, and stay positive. That he would hurt himself, that he would be sad, but it was important for Scar. He shouldn't know that he loves him, he is too perfect for Cub. He needs a woman who loves him more or better than he does. It was impossible that Scar would love him back, he's too amazing to be gay, like himself.

So the Vex settled far away from him in the desert, with super big base ideas to took his mind from, his old best friend.


Scar first didn't know what to think of his Vex friend moving away. They've been friends for long, inseparable, and now Cub avoids him if they stumble upon eachother, he flies away if he sees him and he didn't understand why. It hurt him, his best friend staying out of his way as much as possible. It's caused even more pain as he had a huge crush on him. He never thought about it much, it wasn't important as Cub would never feel the same way, he was probably straight like normal people. But he kept it for himself with the memories they spent together. Was Cub avoiding him because of that? Maybe he found out that Scar likes him and decided to stay away from him. It surely can't be true.

But it felt like that was the real reason. Maybe the Vex couldn't tuck his feelings deep enough, and Cub found out so he gets as far away as he can, not wanting to be friends with someone gay. His brain told him that that can't be true as lot of hermits are openly gay, but he didn't care. He probably didn't want his best friend to be gay, even if he was actually bi.


Scar was working on his magical village, detailing houses with small details like wines with strings, or trapdoors, dirt like moss on the top of the roof to make it like it wasn't new, and of course giant mushrooms to give it a more magical feeling. He really liked this small village, even it wasn't as grand as others bases, it was much richer in details, it had a harmony. He finished an other building so he went to landscaping, forming the land around the little settlement be more exotic. He walked back to his chests, putting down building supplies such as stripped logs, planks, slabs, and other small detail blocks, grabbing dirt, grass, fern, bone meal, shovels, axes, tree saplings, and some light sources, he wasn't planning to build an another mob farm. The Vex started shoveling some dirt, placing down grass, working on the area. He had plans with villagers, populating the place to make it more living, but he needed redstone to breed them and he was terrible with it. And he couldn't ask Cub, because he was busy with his pyramid, and he probably wouldn't have helped him even if he wasn't, he had better friends than the wizard. This though made him sad, the other Vex his past best friend, was no longer caring about him. He remembered the old times, they spent together, Cub doing redstone, Scar building or landscaping, working together in unison, in peace. Those were good times, spent together with his love, even if not as a date. Cub would never date Scar, he couldn't, he was an amazing redstone, and a great builder, who can never love someone like him.

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