Knight in a shiny armour (angst, gore)

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It's actually not all gore just put it in for safety. And I made markings so you can skip that part it's isn't long and doesn't do that much to the story.

Anyways here's the story on which I blamed all of my procastination, and it's isn't even that good, and just 1500 words... But next chapter will be better I promise!

Also, I don't really know what the "knight in the shiny armour" phrase means, but thought it fitted so sorry if it's doesn't fit

Anyways, here's Wels' backstory

"Just remember, I'm not the killer, you are" Hels shouted, before backing into the purple mist of the portal.

"I'm not the killer, you are"

"You are"

"You, are"

"You are the killer"


Wels couldn't get rid of the word Hels said, not even months later. They always came back, like a boomerang he threw years before, and it came back just now. But now matter how hard he threw away again, pushing it back deep down in his mind, it always came back. Stupid Hels, why had he needed to awake that thought.

He couldn't get it out of his mind, it haunted every minute of his sleep, heck, even his consciousness, if he wasn't too invested working on something or spending time with someone. So, he buried himself in work, without breaks just to suppress the sickening feeling in the back of his mind. He made grand plans, ones that seemed impossible to make, or would take immense amount of time for an outsider, but he had all his time on it.

He built and built and built, taking extremely short breaks to self-care, and sleep. The village started no come together nicely, the thousand hours of work clearly showing its success, but Wels was restless. He just couldn't afford to be alone with his thoughts, to think about the stray thought that those words awakened in him.

But you can't escape that easily, and even if he tried his hardest, it didn't succeed for long. He became more worn-out, tired, moody and gradually the others started worrying about him. First of course was Jevin, his boyfriend who noticed the bags under his eyes, the tired yawns, the times he seemed to sleep through conversations.

"Wels, you have to talk to me" he said, shaking the hermit awake, from the sleep he had just fallen into minutes ago.

"Mmph, yes?" he yawned, looking up and rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out of them. "Wels, you need to listen. You've fallen asleep 8 times, and it has been just an hour since you arrived. What's happening with you?"

"Uhm, nothing to worry about, I've been mining and haven't checked the time in a while. Forgot to sleep." he shrugged, just like it was nothing. "Anyway, I have some building planned for today, so I have to leave, sorry." He smiled apologetically, standing and stammering to the edge of the platform. he jumped down, opening his elytra and after spamming a few rockets, he was up in the air, flying away.

Jevin tried stopping him, unsuccessfully, and just sighed. Wels had a habit of overworking himself (like almost all hermit) but it was weird for him to skip sleeping, he was the sleeping prince after all. But what could he do, Wels was stubborn and he couldn't force him to bed.


Wels looked up from his book in-between two pages, when he heard two loud knocks on his door. He folded the covers shut and placed it down on the nightstand beside his bed. "Come in." he said, standing up and turning to face the entrance.

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