Afraid (angst, fluff)

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I know that this is a Hermitcraft book, but I think the recap can have stories here too. So a cute recap fluff.

Words: 800

Zloy was jealous of his friend, Pixl. He always admired his braveness, his protective personality, his smile, his everything. He could never understand how could a person that perfect be gay, openly. Zloy was gay himself, yet he never came out of the closet, while he was 27. He grew up n Russia, in a town where people were extremely homophobic. He heard rumours about a gay guy, who had been murdered by bullies. People found out that he was gay and a group of bullies threw a broken glass at him, and left him alone, so he bled out. Luckily Zloy had a "girlfriend" named Lea, who was lesbian, but they acted like a couple. They were close friends, and as the school didn't support PDA much, it didn't look out that they were less cuddly. After he found Hermitcraft and Pixlriffs, he moved to London, and now they shared a lot with Pixl. Her "girlfriend" moved too, when Zloy first went to England he brought Lea with him, and she met a girl, and they moved together. This was 5 years ago, but he'd been friends with Pixl online long before they met in London.

Yet he still didn't come out even to his best friend, who was gay too. After living for such a long time at the small village in Russia, he thought that him, being gay was wrong. Pixl was not, he was perfect, but Zloy was a faggot.


Pixl sat in his chair, staring at the bright screens in front of him, mic in the right, as he just finished narrating the next recap. He loved doing this, it brought him, and Zloy some plus money, plus to their salaries. It was a nice thing they both loved doing, and it was like a hobby which paid, not too bad. He put his hand at the back of his neck, watching the screen blurring in his vision.

He thought about Zloy, his friend, who was now probably cutting the video clip of the recap. They had access to the server, just to have a better insight at the mishaps that happened there, and they often visited the hermits, just to take pictures for the recap, or to bond with their friends there.

They, of course, wasn't as close as the hermit's together, but enough close that Iskall started shipping the pair, which was contagious, soon almost all of them teased the two about it. This didn't affect him that much, he actually had a crush on his best friend, but he wasn't sure if Zloy was gay too.

See Zloy grew up in Russia, in an area where people were extremely homophobic, so even if he would be gay, he wouldn't show it.

Pixl stood up from the computer, and made his way to the door, walking out the soundproof room. He went to the other room in their studio, wanting to check up on his friend, and maybe help with his work if he can.

He wasn't prepared to find Zloy in the middle of a panic attack. His friend was sat on the floor, hugging his knees, crying to himself. Pixlriffs run to him kneeling beside him on the floor and pulled an arm around him. Zloy automatically scooted into the warm hug, laying his back into Pixl's chest.

They sat like that for a while, time didn't matter. It could have been only 5 minutes or half an hour, just sitting in eachother's embrace, Pix whispering sweet things in Zloy's ears, soothing his sobbing friend. Eventually, Zloy calmed down, and shifted his position, now burying his head in the crook of his friend's jacket.

"P- Pixl" he whimpered, clinching the edges of his blue jacket."Pixl, I'm gay" he slowly said out, scared of his friend's reaction. "Ssh, it's ok" whispered Pix, holding the other closer. "It's ok, you know I'm gay too, I can't judge you without judging myself. You are just as amazing as other people if not more" he breathed, silently comforting the other. "Riffs, it's li- like not just that... I l- love you" blurted out Zloy, rolling into a crying ball on Pixl's lap.

"Shh, it's ok, I love you too" smiled the bearded man. His heart filled with warmth to the brim, love felt the same way he did. "So you want to go on a date sometime?" He asked, looking down at the man in his lap. Zloy's face was wet from tears, but those were happy tears, from the overwhelming love he found.

"Yes, I'd like that" he smiled up, looking in the deep dark blue eyes of his friend. Or boyfriend? That's another story, but the two slowly leaned in, their lips touching in a soft kiss, before parting. Fireworks went off in both of their hearts, that feeling the had would be hard to forget. After the years of hiding, they could be finally happy together.

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