Cheater (fluff)

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Despite the title it's a nice fluff. :)

Ship: FalsexEtho

Words: 1900

False shut the door and angrily stormed off the house. How dare she do this? How dare she cheat on me with that fucking slut? Oh, but she got the wrong person now... She's gonna learn to do not mess with FalseSymmeytry.

It all started a day ago, actually no it actually started way back before. She and Cora had been dating for two months but lately, she felt slightly uncomfortable about their relationship. Cora has been lately acting strangely, always wanting more close contact, then yesterday, they were at her place, she started getting a bit too physical, that it was uncomfortable for False.

"Cory, please stop, it doesn't feel good," False commented at the act, not wanting to sound rude.

"Oh, baby come on, we've been dating for 2 months now, don't be that saint virgin, let's have fun," Cora whined pulling False closer by waist, kissing down her neck, letting False's protest pass her ears.

"Stop it," False hissed, pushing away her girlfriend.

"Aww, you're no fun" Cora groaned, trying to pull her back. She took False's wrist, dragging her back.

"I said No" she shouted at her, pulling her arm out of Cora's hold with a quick, effective movement, soon she held her fix.

"What the hell happened to you?" Cora asked, hissing at False, clearly unamused. "Could you please just let me away?"

"I said I don't want sex, you still kept going, why?" she asked, voice firm, a questioning look in her deep blue eyes.

"Oh come on, we've been dating for two months now, what's your problem with it?" "Or maybe mommy said no sex and you have to do what she said." - Cora said in a fake baby voice.

"Shut the hell up, my moms dead, she died 10 years ago in cancer, after being my girlfriend for tWo moNThS you should know about it." "Also, I happened not wanting to be a slut, and have a long term relationship, so the only thing I did wrong is that I loved you." False snapped at her, going to the door. She picked up her quiver and bow, and she put on her belt with her sword.

She always carried them around no matter where she went. If made her feel safe, having her weapons at hand.

She grew up on a family farm with her family, and they often went hunting, so she was a good archer since childhood, she got her first bow when she was 3. She also would go and practise horse riding from that age, which made her be able to shoot super precisely from a horse, she won many competitions. From a relatively young age, she was learning multiple martial arts, as she loved those sports, it was her favourite pastime, right after saving kids from bullies. (Maybe that's why her brothers gave up bullying kids quickly) When she was 13 she joined a fencing club, where many people found out her talent and she became an amazingly good swordswoman. But after her parents found out she was bi, she had to go to the city where she got a scholarship to a great University, the place she met the hermits.

But after she left her girlfriend's apartment, she felt regret. Maybe she went too far, she should apologize, maybe she really was wrong, and she should have let Cora have sex with her, after all, she was maybe a bit too conservative. Ok, tomorrow I'll go and ask her to forgive me. False declared, ready to move on.


Falsey knocked on the door of Cora's apartment, but there was no answer, so she pushed it open not caring too much about the loud cracking sound it made, as the rusty old lock broke.

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