Incorrect Quotes 4.

685 35 146

What if I had collected like 1200 words of incorrect quotes?

Anyways, enjoy, I spent a ton of time on it.

"Well, I'm aware that I accidentally set myself on fire and it's none of your business. I don't need your pity water either, let me just burn in peace"

~ Tango


*Playing Monopoly*

Keralis: Oh no, I'm in jail!

Bdubs: You look quite comfy in there


X: I wish I would be more like Grian, he has wings, and really cool watcher magic

Biffa: But you can do other stuff. If you want to, you could hack the police database, or break any bank security, and you know binary code.

Biffa: Grian doesn't know what even binary code is


"You don't have to be a good person to be a hero"

~ Cleo


Ren: Doc, you would love me no matter what happens

Doc: What did you do?

Ren: I mean no matter what happens



Biffa: I could ask what you're up to Grian, but then it occurred to me

Biffa: That I don't care


X: Whatever you're thinking right now stop it!

Biffa: What are you talking about?

X: You always make that face when you're about to say something really stupid to piss me off

X: So cut it ou-

Biffa: I love you

X: ...

Biffa: Also, cereal qualifies as a soup



Grian: I love this new strawberry flavored shampoo I got!

Ex: Flavored?

Grian: Scented, I meant scented

Grian: But yeah, it tastes like strawberries too



Keralis: ❤️

Bdubs: 3>

Bdubs: Wait, how do I turn the three?

Keralis: Haha, goodness Bdubs

Keralis: < + 3 = ❤️

Bdubs: Nevermind, got it

Bdubs: Ɛ>

Keralis: What the fuck?


Grian: Doc, I think you should play the role of my father

Doc: I don't want to be your father

Grian: That's perfect, you already know your lines


Ren: I've lied to every girl I said "I love you". I thought I loved them but then I met you and realized I've never been in love before.

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