Soulmates (fluff)

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Evil Grisuma fluff bc someone wanted one, and I had an idea. This is a soulmate, and higchool AU.

Words: 1700

Everyone only saw the colour of their soulmate's eyes until they met them. Grian was no exception from this, yet his case was quite unnatural. By the description of soulmate people, he saw the colour red. Red. Who even has red eyes?

He'd used to get bullied because of it, people often ridiculed the strangeness of him. Until one day, he was chatting with a close friend of his, called Xisuma. He was complaining that his brother, Xenon, who he barely have known was going to move to them.

His family was weird, his parents divorced when he was a kid, and he lived with his mum. But now his father just died in cancer, and his wife didn't want to take care of his ex-husband's son. X was a bit uncomfortable, there were some rumours of the kid not being a too well matured, and some nasty stories of him being a really mean bully was spreading even to their school too. Grian tried to calm X down, eventually enough successfully that he dared to go home.


"Everybody act well, today we have a new classmate, Xenon. Please introduce yourself." Chirped the teacher enthusiastically, quite opposite of the new guy. He wore the same helmet as X but he was red, white X's were green-ish. Wait. Green? Wait, he saw colours. Grian saw colours after he saw Xenon. The new guy, who was a real troublemaker, who clearly didn't bother even just to take a sight at him. He sighed defeated and listened to the introduction.

"I'm Xenon, I feel like shit 'cuz my dad just died, so leave me the fuck alone." grunted Xen out in one breath, starting to make his way to an empty desk at the back of the classroom, not bothering with the disappointed glare of the teacher. Grian sent one last stare at him before the class started.


Weeks passed by, and Grian never got a chance to speak to the guy, and his hopes were getting lower and lower. This didn't do well to Grian, who slowly started to develop a crush on the boy. The new guy, who was his soulmate, probably platonic like others. Romantic soulmates were rare, the only soulmate couple was Scar and Cub, a couple from their class who had a really strong relationship.

But they couldn't be romantic soulmates...

But something had happened which made Grian's heart beating faster. X invited him to his and his twin's birthday party, the 17th.

Grian was super excited, he could go to the birthday party of his crush, even if officially he was only invited to Xen's brother's celebration. The party would take place at Xisuma's Mum's home, and Xenon would be there too.

But now Grian was wandering in a large shopping mall, searching for gifts to give X, and Xen. Mumbo and Iskall went nerding to an electronics store, so he was on his own roam around the shops hoping to find the perfect gift. He always spent a lot of time choosing presents to his friends, he could spend hours wandering between shelves just to get the one.

He already got what he wanted to give X, he found a small robot which can be programmed to do different things and he knew X would like it. It wasn't too cheap, but affordable.

But he didn't know what to get for Xen. He barely knew the new guy, and finding a present for him was hard. Finally, he settled with a sustain pedal for his guitar, as he heard that Xen plays electronic guitar.

Grian texted his friend's that he finished, and went towards the main exit, to meet up with his friends. Mumbo and Iskall cheerfully greeted him, and they made their way to the bus station.

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