/kill Zedaph? (fluff)

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I'm back with an oneshot! It's not too long, but it's not angsty, not too shippy, and honestly it was just fun to write. Hope you enjoy it :)

Words: 700

<Zedaph> fell out of the world

<Zedaph> fell out of the world

<Zedaph> fell out of the world


Xen, was it you?

What was me?

Zedaph getting killed
over and over!

No? Why would
I do that?

I dunno, but Biffa's
not on the server,
so only I and you are
admins who can kill

So, why did you decide
to kill a random member
over and over?

Well, I don't know
what's happening to
him, but it's not me.

I suggest you should
ask him yourself, bc I got
nothing to do with it.

I'll ask Zed, but if it was
you, there will be consequences!


I sigh, dropping my hand with the phone onto my lap. Again, something unusual happens, and my brother tries to blame me for it. But really, why the hell would I kill a random hermit over and over just for fun? I mean why did he think I was that cruel that I enjoy killing people?

Ok, I may do, but I would never kill a hermit, that would cause some serious problems and I actually made some good friends with some of them, it does not worth it to ruin our friendship...


Grian, have time to

Yeah sure, gotta take
a break from building

You know what's
happening with

Uhh, no? Haven't
checked the group chat
in a while, wait a min!

Ohh... I don't know
either what's happening
to him

Well, Xisuma thinks
I killed him multiple
times, so that's
a bit of problem..

I can tell him it
wasn't you! I know you
would never do that,
let me speak to him!

Chill down Grian,
he's not that impulsive
and will ask Zedaph
himself first for example,
so no need to rage.

And even if he would want
to ban me, he'd have to put
put up a little fight...

Well, ok, but I still can
talk to him if you want
me to.

I'll ask for help if I
need it. It's nice of you
but you're not really
the most trusted at the
minute too..

Well ok.. You want me
to come over to chat and
stuff? Talk through things?
I have some free time now
that finished some pieces
of the upside-down castle..

Sure, come over, I'm at
the lair as usual..

I'll be there in a min!



Zed, what's happening
to you? Is someone killing
you over and over or
what's happening?

Oh sorry, did I scare you?
Impulse dug a hole in the
bedrock floor at my base,
and I was just experimenting
with it...

Oh, sorry for bothering
then! Bye, I gotta go and
apologize to Xen...

Wait.. don't tell me you
blamed  all of this on him

Uhm.. I may do? You know
a way how can I apologize
to him? I feel so ashamed...

X, you derp.. I'm gonna
call you

Incoming video call...



Xen, I'm really sorry for
blaming Zedaph's deaths
on you, while I should
have checked up on him
first. Turns out he was just experimenting after
Impulse made a hole in the
bedrock for him, and was
not killed by commands.
I hope you can forgive me,
I'm deeply sorry!

Before you write a whole
book for an apology, of
course I can forgive you

Thank you!



"Well that's great news because I wouldn't like to go off server to meet you, it's enough pain that you live in a hole at the furthest point from people" Grian exclaimed, laughing on the sofa, not ready for the incoming tickling from Xen

"Ha, ah, n- no X- Xen it tickles!" He breathed out his voice barely noticeable trough loud giggling and laughing noises he made.

"Hmm, should I?* Xenon teased, before he suddenly stopped, pulling Grian in a deeply, lips touching and in seconds they were making out.

"Maybe it's worth the long trips" Grian murmured between two kisses.

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