Back home (with smut by Simp)

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So a thousand thank's for Omega_Simp who wrote the smut part, if you like that stuff them read it, it's amazing.

Ship: BiffaxXisuma

The full story is aroun 1700 words, but Omega_Simp wrote half of it so thank you again.

Xisuma was in his home base, drinking a cup of tea after a long day on the server. He really missed Biffa. He stopped denying it after 3 days, that he needed his boyfriend by his side.

He had to leave the server for a mission, and he was gone for 5 days now, tracking after some criminals, and in addition, if he won't finish in two days, most of the server portals, including the Hermitcraft one will be shut down for maintenance work, which can take up to a week to finish. He tried to put it on a later date, as the admin of the community, but he couldn't make it happen. So he can only wait and hope Biffa will be back soon.

When he usually saw him every day, it seemed normal, but now did X just realize how much Biffa meant to him. Talking over a cup of tea every night after a long day, chatting about everyday events, or him always calming, supporting X if his bad feelings came back. Biffa was always there for him and, Xisuma never had appreciated it enough as he thought back.


Biffa waked around the shantytown in London, tirelessly after a clue his admin senses caught. It wasn't munch, as his admin powers weren't the strongest (not like his boyfriend's, who was one of the strongest admins) and it never really was made for tracking.. Nevermind, he had to finish if he wanted to see Xisuma before the server portals shut down he won't be able to do it in a week.

But his motivation was lessening with the minute. He missed X, his boyfriend. He didn't know until now that how much joy he brings to his life, even if he consciously and unconsciously did everything to protect him. He didn't want to hurt his feelings, that's why their relationship was much slower than others. They've been dating for 6 months now, yet they never had any sex. Biffa didn't want to push it to him after all X have been through.

After hours of tracking that faint trace, he finally found the camp. But hell, how much he didn't want to cooperate with other idiot people to get them captured and put in prison. Would it be okay just to kill them all?  Whatever don't care it's worth for X - he thought tiredly. He grabbed his bag and took out a small grenade from it.

That'll do - he grunted. He pulled out the safety pin and threw it in the middle, then run. The sound of a large blast could be heard, as the camp crumbled down in ashes. Well, that's done. - he sighed. Now it's time to get back and tell them that they attacked me and this was the only way I could escape. They won't believe it, but the police needs me, I'm the most talented at this job, even if maybe a bit cruel. I was tired of the lectures of the importance of human life, if the killed, they deserve to be murdered. At least I cam finally go back - Biffa grumbled.


X was just washing the dishes (not that there were many, he didn't cook much just for himself) when he felt arms wrap around his waist. He jumped, it was instinctive since his past, but quickly relaxed when he saw it was just Biffa. He leant into his touch tilting his head back, resting it in his boyfriend's shoulder.

"I missed you so much" he whispered, melting into his boyfriend's hold.

The cyborg gave him a soft kiss making X shuddering as he felt Biffa's soft lips pressing to his sensitive neck. But he didn't pull apart, he liked the feeling.

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