Old friends new feelings (fluff)

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KeralisxBdubs fluff, no angst, happyness. Little awkward, but cute.

This is a bit short, 600 words.

When Keralis got to the server everybody was confused. How did he stuck in a portal for so long, and why didn't he remember it? It was a mystery at first but as other things it got figured out. X studied portals from a book and it turned out that some older portals could have a problem of messing up time. Nevertheless, after it got clear that Keralis wasn't an alien that case didn't have more attention, and he settled down.

Everyone remembered the happenings where the hermitcraft portal messed up when Bdubs got in the server in a very high position, and always fell down, dropping a head and sometimes an elytra if he couldn't throw it away before. It's caused some headaches to poor X, who couldn't figure out that why did it happen, so Bdubs told him it's just a prank. He didn't tell him the other part, but I will tell you, breaking the fourth wall, because I can't write well.

Keralis and Bdubs were really good friends. So when Bdubs heard that Keralis got back to Hermitcraft he decided that he'll visit him. He send him a message and they met up front of the portal, Keralis grabbed Bubbles wrist and they went in together, so they come out at Keralis's portal, and Bdubs's arrival was a secret. At first it was just that Bubbles wanted to visit Keralis, but them he chose to stay on the server, he enjoyed the time spent with his best friend, and he wanted to meet the new hermit, and the old ones too. So instead of being normal, and announce that Bdubs got back, they planned out a prank, of course they did. It was simple, Bubbles drops from sky drops head, as the portal was messed up again. Even if it seemed super cheap, some hermits still don't know that how he really joined back.

But now that was long before, currently they sat at New Hermitville, at a campfire roasting marshmallows, and bacon. It was a chilly summer night, but they were warm beside the fire sitting shoulder to shoulder. Most of the server was back in the main land, and the build competitors finally had a moment of peace, with their build, so it was wery quiet, they only heard the crakling fire, the chirping crickets, and eachother's calm breathing.

It's almost like we're lovers. - laughed Keralis.

This sentence made Bubble's thoughts weird. Why are they like lovers? They not in love, that's sure, they can't be, then what? Bdubs brain went awkward, and he blushed. He moved away from Keralis, juts so they didn't touch their shoulders.

This made the other feel very cold. Did he say something wrong? Why is Bubbles acting like this? Questions swirled around his brain.

Keralis, your bacon is dripping! - Bdubs said.

Oh thanks - he answered still thinking.

Keralis I have to tell you something. - he suddenly spoke.

What is it sweet face? - Keralis smiled back, braking out of thoughts.

I- I don't know if it's the right time to tell you, but I think I love you - blurted Bdubs.

Keralis didn't answer for a while, deep in thought. The others face shoved worry, and fear of rejection.

Bubbles, I've been thinking about us, the time we spend together, that I hang out much more with you than any other hermit, and that I think I love you too. - he whispered.

They sat at the campfire, listening to the silence around them, roasting marshmallows, the bacon was burnt by then. Keralis slided his had into Bdubs's who took it. It really was like two lowers, at the fire, holding hands, midnight.

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