Long day (fluff)

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Super fluffy Biffsuma, bc there was a lot of angst...

Words: 1000

X was sitting at his base, staring at the monitors in front of him. He barely kept his eyes open, the screens were just a mess of blurry green numbers and commands as he zoned out, trying to rest his eyes. He's been working since morning, without proper rest just standing up to go to the toilet or to get some food to prevent passing out from hunger. It's was almost midnight at the time, but he still had not finished his work e assigned today for himself.

He took off his helmet, stretching his back, yawning out, then rubbing his eyes trying to get tiredness out of it. 'Y'know what I'll make myself a cup of strong black tea, coffein should help me stay up' he thought, standing up from his chair, walking towards the kitchen counters. He opened the cabinets above the sink, getting his old teapot in hand.

He brought it to the tap, letting the water fill the inside. He listened to the sound of the water filling it up, the noise getting sharper until he cut off the water. He lifted the teapot out of the sink, putting in top of the smoker. He leaned to the counter, fiddling with his fingers while waiting for the water to boil.

He stared into the darkness of the room, only the faint light of the smoker, and the green mist from the screen in the living room provided some faint light to the room, X hasn't bothered to turn the lamps on. The place was small enough so monsters won't spawn, and the room was carpeted, or mob-proofed in other ways, but the hermits didn't sleep in daylight, it was much nice that their rooms can be darkened.

A loud whistle cut X off from his dreaming about his admin duties, the teapot was screaming as the hot vapour flew through its pipe. He quickly took it off the cooker, pouring it in a carafe, and put tea leaves in it. He took out a wooden kitchen spoon from a drawer, and stirred the liquid, so the tea will be ready sooner. He just went to the drawer when he heard a knock on his front door, presumably from either Biffa or a hermit asking for some help.

"Come in" he said out loud, so the person outside can hear it too, and decided to grab two cups one for himself, and one for the guest too.

"X, you're up late" greeted Biffa, as X poured the hot, strong tea in the cups. "I have to ready the server, the new nether update will be here soon" X sighed, offering a cup to his boyfriend, who was standing at the kitchen door. X showed him to sit down at the table, while he dragged a chair next to him, leaning to Biffa's side.

"The new update is coming, and the server needs to be prepared, or serious glitches and bugs can happen" he ranted, slowly sipping his tea. "I've been working on it since days, but it's still incomplete" he sighed out in exhaustion.

"I think you should take a break, you have Xen and Grian for help, and if you need, of course, I can help you too" Biffa advised, letting and arm around X's waist, pulling him on his lap. "You have seriously overworked yourself, and I like you better when you're not tired" he commented, X, leaning his back in his chest.

"Maybe you're right, I shouldn't strain myself that much... But the server has to be readied, and I said I will bare the admin duties, you guys don't have to help" he said stubbornly. "My work, I'm gonna do it."

Biffa didn't say anything, just put his hands on X's back, starting to massage it, trying to make Xisuma relax after all the work he'd done. X leaned in his touch, resting a little under his boyfriend's hands.

"You're pretty stubborn sometimes X Biffa noted, hands still roaming on Xisuma's back, trying to help relieve pressure from his boyfriend. "Maybe... But after you finished I'm gonna go back and finish this" X followed, shoving how toe Biffa's sentence was.

"No way," the other said, and put X down from his lap, just to stand up, before he lifted his boyfriend up into his arms. "No what are you gonna do? You can't escape me, it's bedtime" Biffa laughed, holding X who was failing to escape his grip.

"That's not fair" he whined, but the other didn't care, just sat them on the bed, hugging X close. "It's night time, if you don't take off your armour I'll have to do it" Biffa smirked, loosening his grip on the other hermit.

"No way, I'm gonna finish what I planned for today," he said, trying to stand up and walk away. "Nope, not going to happen" Biffa smirked, pulling X on his lap again, wrapping his legs around his waist to he could not escape. "You're trapped, give up your fight" he laughed, starting to unbuckle the plates if his now yellow armour. X eventually stopped trying to get out of his grip and allowed Biffa to undress him until he was only in sweatpants and an undershirt.

Biffa took off his pink armour too and laid beside X in the bed. Xisuma nuzzled into his chest, forgetting to worry about the server code for a while, while Biffa wrapped an arm around his waist. Their legs were tangled under the blanket, as the two cuddled into sleep.

"Goodnight baby love you" Biffa whispered into X's ears, who quietly answered. "Love you too" he muffled into his chest before Biffa pulled him in a last kiss. "Sleep well, my angel"

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