Incorrect Quotes 5.

633 33 201

*in university days*

Grian: Can you use the term "i shit you not" in an English essay or is that too unprofessional?

Keralis: nononono never use I in statements for formal essays

"One shits you not"

Bdubs" "the author shits you not" is acceptable too

Cleo: it's best to avoid the general you:

"One would not considered be shitted"

Joe: Oh my


Random homophobe: You're just trying to force homosexuality on us with your gay agenda

Iskall: dude, I'm agender, I don't have a gender


X: What are you doing?

Biffa: Offering moral support!

Grian: You have morals?

Biffa: No, but I support those who do!


Ex: Grian, you hand one job!

Grian: Well, you had the same job.


Ren: I've been dropping him the most insanely obvious hints for, like, a year now. No response.

Doc: Wow, he sounds stupid

Ren: But he's not. He's really smart actually. Just... dense.

Doc: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don't know.. "Hey! I love you!"

Ren: I guess you're right. Hey. Doc. I love you.

Doc: See? Just like that.

Ren: Holy fucking shit.

Doc: If that flies over their head, then sorry, Ren, but they're too dumb for you.


Ex: Do you advocate the overthrow of the government by force or violence?

Biffa, after thinking it trough: Violence.


Hels: How do you celebrate Christmas if you don't believe in God?

Jevin: I don't know Hels, how can you celebrate Valentine's day if no-one loves you?


X: I spilled milk tea over my hair, please help

Biffa: Lick your hair


Iskall: Hey Mumbo, jump off a cliff

Mumbo: No way, do you think I'm crazy?

Iskall: It's your Hermit Challenges challenge!

Mumbo: *jumps off a cliff*


Keralis: Your smile? It makes my day.

Bdubs: Your happiness? Is my whole world.

Keralis: Your love? Is my favorite thing.

Xisuma, third wheeling: Hotel Trivago.


Grain: You look very heterosexual in that jacket

Ren: Oh, my bad *takes it off*


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