Killing spree (gore)

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Warnings: Gore, violence, blood, murder.

Plot: Biffa and Ex gone after some b*tches

Fluff at the end.

So Biffa you're ready? - asked Ex who leaned against the portal to the lobby world. He lazily fidgeted with his knife set, cleaning it with a cloth. He had successfully broken the security of the police data, so they had a list to go after.

Yeah - answered Biffa who was more than ready, filled with wish for vengeance. He had armed himself with some of his guns, from his collection. He nonchalantly loaded them.
Let's go.

The two stepped in the portal, letting the blurriness take over them until they could walk out of it on the other side.

First target?

We go in the bar, there are most of them. I showed you the pictures if you see one take care of it. But leave the biggest for the end, we should do that together.

Two men stepped in the bar.
They run their eyes through the crowd, looking for familiar faces from photos.

Biffa spotted one first. He pressed himself through the mass of people until he stood in front of him.

Hey, you there Tony Brooke? - he shouted after him.

Yeah, whats you problem - he asked brashly. He asked after another bottle of beer, not really caring much.

I want to talk privately. - said Biffa quietly but in a threatening way.

Man, I don't want to leave my beer, leave me alone.

But Biffa just grabbed him roughly, pulling him outside, not caring if he dropped his beer or bruised his ankle.

Why the fuck did you have to do this? Can't a man just drink in peace?

No. I've heard you messed with my boyfriend, you're gonna suffer - grunted Biffa harshly, pinning him to the wall by his neck, holding a gun to his head.

What? I don't know who was he, it's a misunderstanding. - he jabbered, sweating from stress.

You know I'm pretty sure it was you, some hacks on his helmet told it to me. - he explained, then fired the gun. He picked up the limp body and threw it away in a small alley a few blocks away.

Gosh, this's gonna be a long day, even if Ex does half of it, it's still 23 left. - he mumbled to himself while trying to rub off the small amount of blood that was on his hand.


What do you mean it didn't happen? Listen I have proof of it, but it fucking doesn't matter, I don't have to show you it to kill you.
A flash of purple light and another lifeless body succumbs.

EX dragged it away, hiding the corpse in a bush.

It'll be enough for now - he grunted, going back for another.


Biffa (accomplice)

I think we're done with them

Only the worst left, sending cords

Great, coming back to the pub.


What the fuck is your problem with me? Can't a man just enjoy his night at the pub?

You've been messing with my little brother. You will have to suffer for it. - grunted Xenon, holding him to the wall with his magic.

I've heard you raped my boyfriend, so I'm here to make you pay for it. - hissed Biffa, holding a knife to his throat.

I swear I don't even know who he is?
- whispered the man, voice hitching, terrified to death.

Young boy, 16-ish at the time, usually green clothes, brown hair. - grumbled Ex.

Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know it was your brother, but it was in the past please forgive me - he pleaded.

You escaped from too many punishments, but we won't let you avoid it now. And it's gonna be a torture. - grumbled Biffa.

While Ex concentrated freezing their victim in place, Biffa took out a pocket knife and started making small cuts all over his body.

You deserve it - Biffa grunted. Then he held a gun to his face and pinned him from his neck to the wall, allowing Ex to use his knife set. He created different sized wounds on his arms, legs, and chest. But he theft the arteries untouched, he didn't allow him a quick death. When they finished they stood back, watching the blood oozing from the many small cuts.

I don't feel sorry for him - whispered Biffa, looking down the half-living man.

Yeah, he earned it. - said Ex, kicking the body, then stepping away from the slowly growing blood puddle.
Guess were done - he mumbled.

The two dragged the body away from the location of the crime, leaving a blood trail behind. They hid it in a park, behind a large bush.

So you tell me you can modify their memories? We sure need it now. - Biffa told Ex.

Yeah, I'll be back in a minute, and it'll be done.


The two met up at the portal.

So, it's finished.

Yeah, dirty work but done, thanks for the help, I don't want to get arrested. - answered Biffa.

The two stepped in the portal, travelling back to Hermitcraft.

Where have you two been, you're completely bloody. - asked X concerned, as he saw his brother and boyfriend

Ahem, business - chuckled Biffa, putting his gun back to his gunbelt.

You can call it that shrugged Ex, cleaning blood off his knives, with a dirty cloth.

You know I won't even ask it, just go and clean off the blood of yourselves. - sighed X. He couldn't believe what the two had done for him. This just made him love more Biffa, and accept Ex's apology.


The two pairs had met up at Xenon's lair, to watch a movie together. They sat on the couch, Grian next to Xen, leaning into his side, Xenon pulling him in by his waist. Biffa sat on the other side, having X sat in his lap, melting into him, as he softly caressed his cheeks, with his hand. They chose an action movie they both couples liked, and sat back, popcorn in a bowl, enjoying the movie. Biffa liked to feed some to X, showing affection. Gian and Xen just poked each other if the other jumped at the movie, but love has different forms...

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