Space 2. (fluff)

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So I decided to make a part two :)

5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1...

"You're dead!" Shouted X at the two astronauts in the simulator.

"It was Etho's problem, he wrecked the rocket" complained Biffa, pointing at his friend.

"No, I made the problem, I was interested if you two could get out of it. We have to start practising the problems too, if we want to be ready until July 17." Said X, laughing at his boyfriend silliness.

"It was still Etho's problem, I'm a fucking test pilot, I could solve that shit." "I was the fucking first captain who flew this rocket," grumbled Biffa still a bit angrily.

Etho was the chosen new astronaut, and this was going to be his first flight to space. He finished university in physics, and he was a test pilot at the Air Force. He was a very curious, and a quick learning guy, and he was to be sent to the National Space Station, with Biffa as a captain.

"Guys, we have to concentrate on training, could you just stop arguing?" Sighed X, sending a reproachful look at the crew. "Get in the simulator, and try to figure out the situation." "One last try, and you can go to have lunch," he said, shoving the two guys in the simulator.


"Ok guys, you can go to have lunch now, but be quick" X said after the hungry crew.

"Why don't you join us?" Asked Biffa.

"I have other things to do, and you guys should get to know each other better." He answered.


"Who will you bring to the take-off with you?" Asked Etho from Biffa. "Family, girlfriend, etc. I plan on bringing my Mom, Dad, and my girlfriend, Falsey" he said, looking at his friend, looking curious. "Do you think I can bring them?"

"Yes you can" "And my mom and dad are fine watching it from home, and I don't have a girlfriend I'm gay." he murmured, clearly more interested in his food that Etho"

"Ooh, and do you have a boyfriend, wait let me guess..." "Wait, is it X?" He shouted.

"Yes, will you shut your mouth now?" "I wanna eat my food," Biffa grunted.

"Aa, why?" "You're so cute together!" "How did you confess?, Have you guys kissed, will you have kids?" He rushed, excitement in his voice.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm trying to have lunch, and we have to be ready to training" shouted Biffa, who had been fed up with the guy.


"How are you?" Asked X as the couple was walking out the HQ to the parking lot, after their shift.

"Ok if we don't count that I died today 16 times, and 14 from that was because of Etho," Biffa grunted, laying his hand on X's waist.

"And what happened the other two times?" Said X tilting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Uh, well you looked in at us, and I was distracted" laughed Biffa nervously, his sentence making X blush madly. "You're adorable when you blush" he added, quickly turning to him, giving X a peck on his lips.

"If you keep making me blush, I'll continue to wear my helmet" he smirked, knowing Biffa doesn't like when it's on him.

"But you're much better without a helmet.. or clothing"

"BIFFA, WE'RE IN PUBLIC" X shouted at him, his face red as a tomato. He took off his boyfriend's hand from hi waist and turned away crossing his arms.

"Oh babe, calm down please!" "Also get in the car," he said, opening the door for him. He walked around the car and took a seat himself too. "Do you want to go somewhere?" He asked, with an apologizing look in his eyes. Biffa was a big flirt, but X didn't like to blush in public, yet it was hard for Biffa to keep it in. Yet he always seemed to get out of trouble, X couldn't be mad at somebody for long.

"Can we just go home?" 'I'm tired of working with you idiots"

"X have I hurt you?" Biffa asked genuine concern showing on his face as he stared at Xisuma.

"No, just I'm tired!" He half-shouted. "You guys keep messing up, and I have other work to do too." He whispered Biffa just had noticed that his eyes were filled with tears. His voice was filled with tiredness, this was not the X Biffa knew.

Baby, it'll be okay, let's just go home and rest ok? Biffa said nervously. He really didn't mean to hurt his boyfriend, and tried to put up for it.

The way home was not too long, but it was silent. X tried to rest, while Biffa tried to brake all speed limits without being noticed, which was a hard task, but interesting. They arrived home, and X unlocked the door, the pair trotted to the elevator, up to the level of X's lot.


Can I cook you dinner?" Asked Biffa, although he could guess the answer. "I like my kitchen, and I don't want it to burn down, sorry" laughed X, but it still sounded forced. "Then we order fast food" Biffa declared, dialling a good Italian pizza restaurant.

"So I want one pineapple pizza, one aaa, margarita and one with that many cheese," he said into the phone. "Sir we don't have " pineapple pizza, it's an Italian pizzeria," a tired voice said from the gadget. "What do you mean there is no pineapple pizza? Is it a pizzeria or not?" He shouted at the poor man behind the phone.

X grew tired of it. "Love, just give me the phone," he said, taking it out of his hands. "Sorry for my boyfriend, he's a bit dense, we want a Pizza quattro stagioni, and a Margherita please." He said, much to the guy's relief. "Thank you, we'll be shipping it in a half-hour"


The pair sat on the sofa, both a slice of pizza in hand, watching Apollo 11, having fun with pointing out mistakes, as they were quite professional in the theme. After the pizza was gone, Biffa pulled X in his lap, having an arm over his waist, as they watched the movie. The talking died, the two were just enjoying the company of the other, not interested more in the movie than the other.


The movie was long finished, you only could hear the two boyfriends breathing in unison, peacefully sleeping, cuddled toghether.

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