Herb tea (fluff)

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Stress was in her secret garden, collecting some herbs. Although she had farms for most potion ingredients, she loved farming some herbs they were great for both medical and everyday use. Like lemon balm tea helps your sleep, while mint gives you energy, lavender has a calming effect. But she had other herbs and spices, and of course flowers, too.

It was midday and she wanted a cup of mint and lemon balm tea, to help her keep her cool as she was to meet Iskall(MAN) about the mayor quest she had to go. They have been dating for a year now, yet she still was overexcited every time she met him so she liked the calming scent of her teas when she was too excited.

She cut off some leaves. She was so deep in thought about her meeting with Iskall that she didn't notice as a  small pearl of a lily of the valley fell into her bowl. She went in her skull, to a small kitchen place in the back, although it was more like a witch lair.

It was a small room dug into the earth underneath, so it didn't take up the place from the interior of her base. There was a large cauldron in the middle, over a fireplace, next to it was a small stool, a large vase full of flowers were left on it. At the dirty walls stood a long counter, with fully racked shelves above them. Those were racked with small titled potion bottles, filled with different herbs, spices or other potion ingredients like grinded phantom membrane, fermented spider eyes or a little glass filled with dragon breath. At the corner stood big containers full with nether wart, redstone powder, nether dust and a barrel of gunpowder far from the fire.

At the counter were brewing stands, one for potions, one for teas. She took a can in her hand and filled it with water from a barrel next to her. She poured it into the teamaker and added the leaves. She lifted off a container of blaze powder and put some into the brewing stand, then putting the lid back, placing the box back on.

She waited some minutes, then the tea was finished, she poured it into a cup, took it and went outside sitting down the grass mug in her hands. Stress sat in a nice spot from where she could see Iskall's Omega Tree Of Doom™ and a small Iskall working on the canopy. She smiled, looking at her busy boyfriend slowly gulping her tea. She emptied her mug and went back in to wash and put her magenta mug away. She then went back to the garden, to tend it, boosting her plant growth and picking out the weeds.

After about 5 hours of gardening, she started feeling a bad stomach ache so she decided that work is done for that day. He walked back to her skull when her vision got blurry. She sat down to rest, fighting the urge to vomit. She quickly called Iskall.

Hey love, how are you doing when did we agreed to met up? - Iskall asked sweetly.

Iskall I don't feel good I have blurry vision, my stomach hurts bad and I have to vomit please come over - she cried, tears streaming down her face.

Okay, I'm coming stay still - said Iskall, taking off of his tree, spamming rockets to be there as fast as possible.

He landed near Stress's base, looking around for his girlfriend. He spotted her lying on the grass, heavily breathing. He quickly picked her up to bring her in and laid her on the bed, then run away searching for a health or regen potion. He found Sress's witch cave and looked around. Thanks to Stress's tidy place he quickly spotted a regen potion, but health ones seemed to be out of stock. He went to a brewing stand and added a little dragon breath in it to make it better.

He lew up to the bedroom, and gave stress the drink. She weakly gulped it then she fell asleep. Iskall sat down the floor leaning onto the magenta bed and swiped out a strand of brunette hair from her face. She'll be okay he whispered to himself, trying to calm his quick breath down. Even if she would respawn, dying of poisoning would be a painful death, and he couldn't afford it now.

He pulled out a small velvet-covered box from the pocket of his vest. He opened it and stared down at the small platinum ring. It was beautiful, a little alyum was in the middle, made from pink sapphire. He worked a lot to afford it, but it was worth the fatigue. He smiled, then closed the box and put it away.


Stress was super excited, Iskall asked him on a mysterious date, in the middle of a flower forest. She was ready, in light blue shorts, a white undershirt, and pink cardigan, which had little pink gems hanging from its edges. She stood in front of her skull, waiting for her lover to come.

Iskall came a minute later, and the couple flew together to the forest. It was a beautiful place although there were a bit more aliums than normal and all lily of the valleys were removed. Different sized trees were scattered around and many bees were flying all over the place.

Aww, it's a gorgeous place Iskall, thank youuu! - Stress joyed, jumping, and hugging her lover.

I hoped you will like it -said the Swedish man, a gentle smile on his face. He took his girlfriend's hands as the two walked through the beautiful forest, holding each others hands. They made it to a clear, and they stopped.

Stress, I want to ask you something - Iskall broke the silence, his voice nervous.

Iskall went down to one knee, pulling out a little velvet box, opening it.

Will you marry me? - he asked, holding up the ring. His eyes shined as he looked up with hope.

Oh ma gosh, yees, I want to marry ya Iskall - she cried, allowing Iskall to pull the ring on her finger. Tears of joy streamed down his face, and she almost started to cry when Iskall's soft lips were smashed on her's. She kissed back, his breath hitching from crying.

They broke the kiss, touching their foreheads together, staring into the other's eyes.

Thank, you Stress, you make my days so much better, every day I know that there is someone worth for working, you are so important for me. - Iskall breathed.

Thank you for being there when I needed you, helping me when I was sick, and for making me whole. - sobbed Stress.

I love you - they said in unison.

And the two kissed again.

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