Introduction and headcannons

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Hi, welcome to this book. The headcannons aren't that important so you can skip this.

The hermis's powers listed down aren't in most works.

Enjoy <3

World and servers
- there is a main world it's like the real world, there are real life places, shops ant ect. You can't bring those items into servers, except clothes you wear.
Most people live there.
- in main world death is permanent, on servers admins choose. if you die in perma-death server you respawn in the main world but you can never go back on.
- if someone almost dies in main world but they bring them onto a respawning server there's a fifty-fifty chance of the person surviving.
- each hermit has a home-base that's like the main world and there they have main world like stuff.

Magic and stuff like that
Admin magic: can used right and wrong if used wrong it's called 'hacker magic'. It's like the magic in Harry Potter mostly you inherit it, but can be obtained randomly (like Muggle borns) and sometimes people that have both parents as admins don't have it. It's nesecary to keep a server working well, so you can buy admin services in main world, but it's pricey. Admins can correct bugs, protect players from harm, can summon entities, can transform land.

Watcher magic: same like admin in powers but can do PvP magic, not just protect. Also, better than admin magic when it comes to updates. Obtained only if a watcher turns you into one. Watchers have white wings. Used to be black when they were evil. The tip of the feathers shows which of the four ranks you are in: red: PvP, black: redstone, brown: building, purple: ruler, good in all ranks.

Vex magic: super rare, only vex hybrids have it. It comes with having gray, silvery wings, and being able to create small or larger illusions, mostly just great for pranking, and summoning swords. Comes with farely good PvP abilities

Nature: like being a walking bone meal, and being able to grow plans without seeds.
Poet: control others emotions with speech
Puppet master: armour stand magic

There are minor magic types it's at the hermits.

Hermit headcannons and other stuff

Xisuma: gay, extremely strong admin, hates watchers from personal reason, is demisexual

Evil Xisuma: real name is Xenon, equal strong admin as Xisuma, medium strong watcher, albino, older than X with 2 years, super good at PvP, gay

Grian: the strongest watcher but hides it because afraid of X, bi

Biffa: before hermitcraft he was a soldier at the army, super strong, good at PvP, and amazing with guns(main world only), gay, cyborg and because lot of his body is robot he needs less sleep than normal, around 4 hours and he's fully refreshed.

Stress: can collect power from surrounding like when she lived in ice she had ice powers, but now she has flower. Omnisexual, engaged to Iskall

Iskall: super good archer, amazing at PvP, loves Stress they engaged, attracted to female gender only, with his laser eye he can see temperature, and can spot mobs from far away (unrelated to the temperature, so including cold blooded mobs too)

Ren: the gayest hermit possible, has a crush on Doc, wolf hybrid (not werewolf), stunning power

Doc: creeper cyborg, eye same as Iskall, pan, loves Ren but hides it, good at PvP, good at redstone.

Mumbo: can control redstone, born with his moustache, everyone thinks he is aroace but he is actually bi.

Cleo: puppet master, pan, zombie hybrid so her flesh is not rotten and she does not smell, but her skin is green, she can control zombies, and the undead does not attack her

False: the best PvP-er on the server, can summon a large transparent shield in need, bi, has a crush on Etho, ace

Etho: albino, but uses a blue contact lense for one of his eyes to look cool. Before hermitcraft he was an engineer and one he cut his eye with a metal scrap it his eye got healed but he has a scar from it, can be fully soundless, and has a self made clothing that makes him have the colour of his surroundings, he's ace, he has alcohol intolerance

Wels: amazing at PvP, Jevin is his boyfriend, great at building, has a horse and loves him, ice dragon hybrid

Jevin: rare blue slime hybrid, his outer layer slime can fully melt, he can control slimes, shape shifter

Cub: vex magic, in my world he has hair and his beard is shorter, has a crush on Scar for 3 years scared that if he confesses they won't be friends anymore and he gets thrown out of hermitcraft, gay

Scar: vex magic, can speak to animals, loves Cub since he met him, but thinks that it's stupid and hides it, bi

Keralis: can hypnotize people with his eyes, still trying to figure out his sexuality but loves Bdubs

Bdubs: can feel every mob and player around him, even if they're invisible, loves Keralis, pan

Joe: has a family outside hermitcraft, in the main world, often visits them, poet, straight, after the evil watchers fell, he joined the new small group of them as he wanted to help people, he keeps this secret from X, straight

Tango: demon, has red wings, horns and tail, can summon fire, team ZIT is a poly ship. he hides his wings and horns most time bc he's self concious about them, polysexual

Impulse: super calm, can calm people with words, can summon light, it will look like a small yellow smoke cloud and it emits light, gay

Zedaph: can control most peaceful mobs, like pigs, sheep, horses etc. Not vegan, but he never killed an animal, and he doesn't eat sheep meat, gay

Hypnotizd: gay, immune to weather, and has water powers.

Jessassin: good with killing people, works in hub world as a real assassin, gay

Hels: aromatic, asexual, fire dragon hybrid, half brother of Wels, 2years younger than him

More may come.

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