Petals (angst)

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Hanahaki, and MumboxCleo! And Mumbo does not confess mwhahaha

Words: 1000

I think I have a best friend, Grian. He's honestly the best I can hope for, while I live. He understood that because of my anxiety I will never have the courage to confess, even if I'll die, or that I don't want surgery, and he tries to make my last days better. He tries to make me the mayor and everything to take my mind from her, while I know he just wants to be with his boyfriend in his free time. He is all I can ask and nothing more.

I walk through the Cowmercial, district my dress shoes knocking on the messy cobblestone path (it really needs a mayor just not me) making the way the Hermiton Herald office to see the report X made with me. I'm not that good with collabs, and Xisuma suddenly asking for to make an interview about me as a mayor wannabe was a bit shocking so I had to check it out, was it as bad as I thought. X knows about my anxiety and promised me that he'll correct it out, but he's a reporter now, you can't trust them. I step in, I see the new edition of the Herald. 'I should buy one' I thought, and placed a diamond block in the chest, so I could take one from the wall. I sat down on a near bench, and looked down at the paper. It had a beautifully made title what said, Hermiton Herald. Probably Cleo made it.. Cleo.. "No, not now" I cried out the so familiar feeling hit me again. "N- no" I couldn't stop myself from coughing up the bloody petals. My body started shaking, I coughed so harshly I had never before. Is this gonna be when I die? I shivered at the thought. I always knew that I'm going to die of this disease, but that it happened when I'm alone scared me. My body trembled as I non-stop vomitted small green, bloody flowers and petals around. The same as she wears on her flower crown.


Cleo was just thinking about the article she read about an interesting disease called Hanahaki. It was very rare, but most of the time deadly, even if it had a cure. It's caused by one-sided love, and if it's really one-sided or the sick person doesn't asks out their love, they will die. She didn't understand how can people miss it, it's hard to hide, I mean it's kinda obvious if someone coughs up a flower that is your favourite, it's clear. Cleo made my way to the Herald's office, when she heard small coughs and cries overpass the door. She ran towards it, pushed open the door to reveal Mumbo sitting over the table, covered in blood and small flowers. His hair was messy, and he could hardly breathe from his coughing fit, so Cleo ran up to him. "Mumbo can I help you," she asked panicked, when she stared around him. The table was bloody, and small mint petals and flowers were scattered in it. She remembered, Hanahaki. "Mumbo, who do you love? I can call them here, you can't die now!" She cried. Cleo took a closer look at the small blossoms. Then it hit her, they were the same what was in her crown. Mumbo loved her, but did she love Mumbo back? She looked down at the dying man, and she was sure. She wouldn't have thought about him much before, but now she would do anything to save him. She leant down, cupped his face, wiping away his tears. They slowly leant to the other, lips just brushing, before kissing deeply. They pulled apart after a few second, lovesick from the feeling. Mumbo looked up, almost crying from joy, relief of pain. Cleo leant down, and kissed him again, this time more passionate. She settled herself in his lap, not caring if her clothes get bloody, and wrapped her arms around Mumbo's neck, dragging him in, as she deepened the kiss. Her tongue slipped into the other's mouth, running it trough not bothering about the bloody taste.

They made out for a while, only to a flash of bright light coming from a camera. "Grian?" Whined Mumbo, still tugging on Cleo, his face pale, as he looked up at the paparazzi "Fuck off Grian" Grunted Cleo going back to her boyfriend. "Should we search for a more private place?" She whispered into Mumbo's ears, who silently nodded.


Hermit group chat


Cleo and Mumbo shiiipp

*insert cute kissing picture I can't draw*

Who the fuck cares?



Finally! And he didn't
even die

Xen, behave! It's not
funny to joke with real

You didn't even kill

Well, actually I did,
permanently, even if not by
hand. Remember the plan.
And also the main watcher.

That doesn't count, he could
respawn, just lost being a
And I still killed more.

I'm getting concerned.

It's ok X, you get used
to it.
Also grat to Mumbo and

I'm not even gonna question
But are there anyone who
permakilled and I don't know
about it?

I mean me?

Do you know that about me
or not? But I'm a knight and
Ice Dragon, what did you

Now that I think about it...



You all killed?
Who do I live with

Too bad Mumby, too bad.

I'm even more concerned

You two (Cleo and
Mumby) finished?

Grian, you have a dirty


Who are you really,
and what did you
do to Grian?

I'm Grian's boyfriend.

Evil X

And what did you
do to him?


Ok... Well bye

Now who has a dirty


Well ok, but keep Mumbo


I lied... I can't write angst.

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