Spys (fluff)

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This is a fun story, it contains Convex, Biffsuma and Evil Grisuma.

Thank you for the ideas mosspawz and Nastyathemuffin


Cub and Scar had kept their relationship hidden in the past month. They didn't really have an intention to do, but it was fun trying to keep it hidden as long as they can. But after Grian found it out it became a little harder. Of course, he didn't tell it to anyone, but he started dropping hints or teasing them about it. This lead to an amazing plan forming in Cub's head.

The two Vexes sat on Scar's sofa, in Larry, chatting about the current happenings in the server.

I wonder who is Grian's boyfriend? - wondered Scar.
It could be someone from the lobby world? But he rarely leaves the server, yet, disappears often for a long time.

Yeah, that's a great mystery... Who do you think he dates? - asked Cub thinking.

I don't know, I'd say Mumbo but he's ace... So maybe X? Or Etho? I won't say Doc he has an obvious crush on Ren. - commented Scar.

I have no guesses, you live near him, you ever were a team with him at head games, you should know - said Cub.

Well, I don't. - answered Scar grumpily.

What about we find out? You know just as payback for him knowing us.

And how would you do that?

Hmm... stalking him when he's getting away somewhere?

Cub, that's kinda evil... I'm in!


Cub he's going somewhere, I'm following, track my coordinates and catch up!

Bring invisibility potions

I'm coming!

Bringing camera ;)

The duo met up midair behind a flying Grian.

Where's he going? - asked Scar, not knowing anything interesting in that direction.

I don't know, just follow him, we'll find out.

The two stalked Grian until he flew in a cave

Where did he go? - Scar questioned, clueless.

He flew in that cave! - pointed Cub at a hole I the hill.

The two hermits landed at the entrance of the large cave.

So we go in I guess? - said Scar, a bit afraid.

Yes, don't be scared. I'll protect you if needed. - Cub reassured his boyfriend.

They wandered deep into the cave, looking for signs that someone was there before. They almost gave up, but they found torches scattered around. They followed it for a while, and it lead to a cave house thing. It had a window and a door, but it seemed it was mined out of stone.

Who lives here?

Don't know, let's peek in.

The sneaked to the window peeking in, not prepared for what they saw.

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