Heat (angst)

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I may have been reading smut.. and it may have inspired me... I'm not really good/comfortable writing smut and it isn't that, but listen to this genius story idea!

What do ace hybrids feel when in heat? What if heat affects asexual people too, what would they feel how can they cope with it? I wrote my idea about it

This is short, like 500 words or so

Heat.. so animalistic, yet common thing at hybrids, an inner urge to touch, to feel to mate, breed. It can, and will hurt in the worst way possible, an overly strong wanting to get something, to fall into submission under someone, or someone to fall submissive against you.

Naturally, you have two choices: let it to get you or to not allow it to. Easy right? You decide. Though most people go with the former, it's more convenient from many aspects. It won't hurt, at least not that much, the pleasure overpowering the pain. And it comes with great feelings. Sex was made as a tool of breeding, but it comes with so much pleasure, it half lost it's original meaning. And imagine when the need to breed and the already enjoyable feelings mix together? It's almost an otherworldly experience.

At least it should be. But because as almost everything, this does not apply to every person, of course not. It's already a suprise how nature adapted to homosexuality, but it's late on aces.

Etho never knew what is the purpose of his heats, as it brought nothing but suffering. He so desperately craved something he didn't want, it hurt and it would not stop but go on for a week until it fades.

If you'd ask him is he'd got a chance to become a fully human would he go with it he would say yes without hesitation. Having being able to fly without elytra and having fancy wings did not pay for what he had to go trough for it.

At least people with sexual wants can dream about it without actually doing it, or could touch themselves, but he couldn't. He tried, of course he tried everything to lessen his pain, but it just made things feel worse. Even if he got momentarily rid of the pain of the heat, his brain started screaming that he doesn't want this, he doesn't need this, he felt like getting raped by his own self.

He sat in his room, windows cowered in thick dark blue curtains which did not allow much light to enter the room, and sat in the corner of his bed, back pressed to a wall, hugging on a blanket and crying. He didn't know how many days left from his heat, he didn't know the time, heck he didn't even know if it was day or night, he just suffered quietly in the dark.

After he tried to touch himself during one of his previous heats he never ever tried to do it again, let alone care about what's in his pants. The pain lingered in his body weakly, blood rushing in his veins to certain parts of his body, but the most suffering was in his head.

You want it

No I don't

You need it

No I don't

Give in

It hurts

Do it

That huts too

Everything hurts!

It was like some terrible headache, a migraine making you suffer, controlling your mind to think on it so you don't get distracted from the pain, never giving you the opportunity to rest.

Made to help, but act like a torture, heat weakened his body, his already slim and fragile body losing weight with the uselessly made energy. Erratic beating heart, messed up breathing, he only could wish it to stop.

But after days of silent pain, quiet whimpering and a body gone crazy with hormones everybody needs sleep.

Slowly the throbbing pain starts to numb, the voices fighting quiet, and finally sleep takes over the tired body.

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