Incorrect Quotes 3.

816 36 110

So I'll be gone for another long week, bc of a camp, so I gave you all an incorrect quotes chapter to put up with missing stuff. Now I'm kinda very sure I won't have internet so do not count with any updates in around 7 days.

Enjoy, it's around 600-700 I don't know how much of it is the novel I wrote at the begining of this chapter.


Biffa: What are you doing? ;)

Xisuma: Laying in bed

Biffa: Doing what?

X: Eating cereal

Biffa: What if I was there? ;)

X: I'd eat my cereal

Biffa: And if the cereal weren't there?

X: I'd go and get cereal


Corinne: Dad I'm going to a party

Joe: Will you drink alcohol?

Corinne: No

Joe: Will you take drugs?

Corinne: No

Joe: Will you have sex?

Corinne: No

Joe: Then why the f*ck are you going?


X, slightly disshelved, walking into the meeting room: I'm sorry for being late I was doing some things

Biffa following and smirking smugly: Me things..

X dying out of embarrasement: Biffa stop-


Grian: Mumbo, you have to listen to me! I'm like five years older than you!

Mumbo: I'm not gonna listen to a person who just tried to give me a lesson with puppets.

Grian: (still holding puppet up) You leave Mrs. Sunshine out of this!


Scar: What is instead of small drops, rain fell all at once?  Like a two inch sheet of water just goes thwapp, and then it's sunny again?

Cub: Fun fact, that would happen if there was no air resistance, and it would come down so fast it would kill us.

Scar: Oh.


"As somebody who has a long history of not understanding anything, I feel confident in my ability to continue not knowing what's going on"



Biffa: I was gonna donate blood today, but they always as way too personal questions

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