Movie night (fluff)

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Grian and EvilX fluff. Super cute.

Word count: 700

Grian soared through the warm air of the server. He had done his work early today, so his whole afternoon was free. He flied far past the populated areas of the map, searching for a special little mountain, that had a cave leading to Ex's base.

They had kept their relationship secret, since they met and decided to try it again, because they didn't want X to question Grian about being a watcher, Xenon about being on the server. It went surprisingly well, if they'd ask Grian he'd say has a boyfriend, but he wouldn't give them more information about him. Most of them thought about someone from the main/lobby world, dumber people thought it was Mumbo, but Ex's identity was kept hidden.

Grian spotted the place he was searching for, he gracefully landed on the soft green grass, getting off his elytras. He walked down in the cave, until he found a door in the end of a tunnel, leading to Xenon's place. He knocked on the door.

Xen, you're here?

Yeah, come in Gri. How come you're here so early? - Xenon asked.

Struggling to hide the person you cheated me with? - Grian joked.

Yeah, I had to hide him in one of the mines, I'm scared he won't shut his mouth up, and I'd get caught. But in all seriousness, you're early here.

Finished up things planned for today in the morning, we have the all afternoon.

Great, I was cooking should I try to make a meal for both of us?

If you don't wanna be hungry, you should, I'll eat everything from you if I'm hungry.

Oh come on, you don't want me to die, of starvation.

Yes, I don't. - smiled Grian, hugging the taller man, who just stopped chopping onions.

I know you don't want me to die, you proved it to me multiple times back then. - Xen gave a kiss to Grian.
But now let me work, or you'll have to stay hungry.

Grian sat down on the couch, letting his large wings out, stretching them. He hadn't used them in a long time, but at least letting them out sometimes made them feel better.

Just don't scatter feathers all over my living room - Grian heard Xen from the kitchen.

It's already feathery from yours, it won't make a difference. - he shot back.

It would, your's have purple ends, mine has red, so your's don't fit with the place. - Xen explained.

But that ugly purple doormat would?

Do you have a better one? Could bring me one.

Ok whatever, when's the food ready? I'm hungry! - the builder whined.

Five minutes, you could set the table if you want food earlier.

Ok, I'm helping, but don't they used to it. - Grian groaned.

When the food was served, they began to eat. They chatted about what happened on the server, Ex trying some hacks to track hermits, (mainly Xisuma) to find out what's going on.

After they finished they sat down at the couch.

Wanna watch a movie? I hacked Netflix, I have all movies free.

One day you'll get into trouble, cause of it. - sighed Grian.
However I want to watch a movie, but I chose.

No way, I chose, you're obsessed with Disney.

Aaa, pleaseee - he whined


Lastly they chose an action movie, (I'm not good at movies, think of one) they both liked and sat down to watch.

Grian snuggled into Xen's shoulder, who put an arm on his waist pulling him closer. The watched the movie, but Grian always moved, so Ex sat him on his lap, hugging him strong, not letting him move. Grian just gave up, and buried hid head into his boyfriend's chest, listen more at his heartbeat than the movie. They sat like that, until the film ended.

Gri, it's late you should go back to your base, don't be suspicious to other hermits. - Ex said.

Pleasee can I stay here? Just for tonight, I promise I'll go home tomorrow, but I'm sleepy.

Ok, fine, but I'll wake you early in the morning.

Ok - murmured Grian, half asleep.

Ex picked him up, and put him in the bed. He went out and changed into his pijamas, and snuggled next to his boyfriend. He pulled him closer, letting him bury his head in his chest.

Good night - he whispered.

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