Wounds (fluff)

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My first oneshot from an online otp prompt generator.

800 words

Ship: JessxHypno

I'm almost there, I weakly crawl towards the purple mist of the portal, not too far from me. My wounds hurt as dirt and my clothes are rubbing into my wounds. I cannot walk I can only creep on my stomach towards the server portal, my last chance. I don't know where will it bring me, I can only hope that it leads to a respawn server, not whitelisted, and people won't kick me out immediately. I'm so close to it now, my tired eye looking at the swirling purple smog in the obsidian frame. I grasp the rim of the obsidian and pull myself in. I feel the swirling take over me, and I gave in and faint.


I try and open my eyes, but, they feel heavy, as I move my eyelids. I feel a cold wet cloth on my forehead, probably and ice on it. I lay on a soft mattress, a blanket over me, in a dark place. I move myself a bit, just to realize how much pain I'm in. My memories from yesterday come back, hitting me like a train. Was I successful? The question stays in my head for a minute, but then I hear footsteps on the cold stone. Stone? I look around, I'm in a stone cave, but it seems quite artificial, square edges everywhere, and I spot some kind of redstone machinery in the corner of my vision. The footsteps are getting louder, and I can see the shadow of a mid-height, well built, but not too buff man, who was going towards my bed.

He comes near, I can see his face now. Wait. Wait. "H- Hypno?" I stutter, "Where am I," I ask, whispering, as my dry throat hurts painfully when I try to make a sound.

"Sshh," he says "You're safe, I'm going to take care of you" he answers my question, his voice quiet and soft. I'm safe, I know I'm safe, my boyfriend is here. I'm guessing I got lucky, and I'm on Hermitcraft, but that doesn't matter now.

Hypno walks closer and cautiously lays a hand on my shoulder. "I'll have to take off your mask, shirt, and leggings to tend your wounds, so try and help me, but say if it hurts too much." He says and takes the ice off of the forehead of my cape. I try and sit up, to help him, but I squirm at the sudden pain that hits me. Ok, maybe this wasn't a too good idea, I thought and layed back, but put my hands under my back, so I was in a half-sitting position. After he took off my face mask and red scarf, he grabs the end of my black leather vest, and slowly starts to pull it upwards. I squirm a little, but hold it back, as he gets off it, throwing the clothing. I sigh, my chest feels much lighter, now that the heavy vest is off, but the pain doesn't go away.

Hypno looks down at my black shirt. No matter the dark colour of it large bloodstains were visible on it. "Can I cut it off?" He asked he didn't want to cause more pain to me with bothering to get it off. I nod my head, and he starts to cut the wet fabric up. Sometimes I feel the cold scissors touching my skin, but I don't bother, as long as it doesn't hurt much. He finishes off, and puts the scissors away. He slowly lifts up the edge of my T-shirt, while the sticky, half-dried blood is trying to glue in on my body. I  hold back a hiss, not showing Hypno how much pain I'm in. He's moving the shirt off from me, exposing my bare, wounded stomach, which is cowered in dried and still wet blood. After Hypno discarded the bloody cloth what was once my shirt, he moved to my legs. He grabbed the top of my thick leggings, and moved them down in a swift motion, hoping not to cause much pain. I winced, but I didn't cry out loud. But finally, I was only in a boxer, so Hypno could start working on my wounds, cleaning, and stitching them up. I sighed as Hypno's fingers moved on my body, taking care of each and every injury, disinfecting, stitching up, and bandaging them. It was late when he finished, so he just placed another bed next to mine, layed down on it, pulling a new, clean and not bloody blanket over us, and he scooted over to my side. He was cautious not to hurt my stitches, but leaned over me and planted a soft kiss on my lips. I kissed back, gently our lips moved sync. It lasted for about thirty seconds, then we parted for air, falling back on the sheets. I felt like the luckiest person alive, that I had accidentally ended up in Hermitcraft, that people found me and tended my wounds and that I had Hypno, the best boyfriend by my side.

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