Space 1. (fluff)

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I've watched the NASA/SpaceX launch, and it inspired me..

Biffsuma yeyy

1900 words

Biffa and an other man named Iskall was chosen to be the astronauts in the new SpaceX rocket, which will bring them to the International Space Station. It would be the first rocket that launches people from America to space in years so the hype was big. I still remembered my first day, when I was introduced to many people who worked on the project, including an engineer boy named Xisuma. He was only 26, but he had graduated in both engineering and physics. He was the one who showed is the simulator, and who taught our duo. I couldn't help but fall in love with the cute, intelligent, and shy boy.

"Hey guys, came to another training session I see" X greeted, and walked to the machine. "X can I ask a bit personal question? Why do you wear that helmet? Don't have to answer." Biffa questioned. "No problem, I just wear it because I like it, it makes me feel a bit more professional" he laughed off. "But now get to work you lazy butts!" He adds giggling.


It's the day we launch, and I'm a bit nervous which never happened before in previous flights. Moreover, it started to show on me, I couldn't concentrate on work because Xisuma, who always seemed to slip on my mind, and I was getting nervous that I won't be able to do my duties because of it. And Iskall started to notice my unperceptive acting and was getting worried about me. And he was super annoying, always asking what's wrong like I couldn't handle a crush.

But the past few days were a bit better I once managed to make X blush.

"Hey guys I heard you were here, do we have time to prac-" he opened the door on us while I was getting in my spacesuit, half-naked. "Oh sorry I didn't want to invade your privacy, I'll leave." -he stuttered, blushing lightly as he wanted to close the door, but I stopped him, keeping the door open. "You can stay, we're finished in a minute, and we can go to practice." I shrug, inviting him in. He's a head shorter than me, so we were a bit awkwardly close to eachother (not that I mind) his face was almost in my chest, and he slowly looked down, direct or indirect trailing his sight over my body, but I didn't comment at it. "Uh no, I better leave" he murmurs, and leaves, his cheeks bright pink, I can see it through the visor of his green helmet. I was much happier that day, but sadly Iskall noticed it.

"So you like the engineer guy?" He teases, but I have none of it. "Fuck off" I grunt, walking away to the cafeteria. My mind still on X's flushed face. At least Iskall isn't homophobic, so that's a positive.

But today is the launch day, and I have to be ready. I've been training for this since the prototype of the rocket was ready, and I wouldn't give up now so close to the end. I go to the dressing room, everyone from our closest team is waiting there, including X too, plus some reporters. I strip down my clothes, of course, the cameras and my friends don't see this, they come just when I'm half in the suit, the tv can have a bit of my sexy 6 packs... I don't understand why they need in on the show, but it doesn't matter, now Xisuma can see it too, although he lowers his head and stares at his legs like they were so interesting. But just when he thinks I don't look, he shots small glances at me, his eyes shining, his face filled with a new emotion which can be love? I don't see it well under his purple visor, but he's getting my hopes high. After we got settled in our suits, we have to pose for some photos, as the duo who goes to space with the new rocket, but also together with the sponsors including Elon Husk. (If you know there is this from, congrats) After the shots are finished we have a few minutes of free time, while the reporters go and ask about the plans, sponsors, rocket ship etc.

When the crowd leaves, including Iskall who went to visit his wife, Stress (a spacesuit designer) I walk to X, "Can we talk for a sec somewhere less busy?" He nods, and grab his arm and drag him to a deserted hallway in the side of the build. "X, I want to talk to you," I say, looking deeply in his eyes. "Y- yes?" He stutters, his breath hitching I can hear it through this helmet. Maybe I'm standing a little too close to him, I think, and take a step back, when I see something in his eyes like disappointment? Did he really like me being that close to him? I think, but my emotions, take the better out of me. I suddenly take off his helmet, discard it on the floor and pin him to the wall kissing him passionately. I would step away and apologize when I feel him kissing back lightly. I put my hands next to the wall behind him, trapping X in, as I start to kiss him rougher, slipping my tongue in his mouth, instantly earning dominance. I push myself in to pin him to the wall more, as we make out roughly, passionately.

But we get out the trance as I hear Iskall yelling after me, to get myself together because we're parting. I don't have time so I just quickly say a by to X and run towards the cars which will bring us to the rocket. We're in the convoy heading to the spaceship. It's a good twenty minutes trip, but it's not that pressuring. We had practised this many times, and nothing new can come. We arrive and get in the elevator to lift us up to the top. We step outside, and head for the stairs. I don't understand why can't they make the elevator go 2 floors higher, cause we have to climb two stairs to be on the level of the entrance of the rocket. While the reporters are busy asking questions to the people around me I go to the telephone that was placed there and called Xisuma's number. He picked up some seconds later. "Who s that" "It's me, Biffa I just wanted to I say that love you" I whispered into the phone, getting unsure. "I love you too" I heard X's faint voice through the device. "Biffa who are you talking we need to get in" I hear someone shouting at me. "Sorry baby, I have to go" quickly say goodbye and end the call.

We walk in the rocket and take our seats. It isn't new, I did it a thousand times in simulator and the real and the situation doesn't differ as much as movies say, although at the time simulators weren't that perfect. I let people fasten my belts what locks me in place, and connect my cables to the seats. They finish, and go out, leaving us behind. Now we have to wait while they lock the airlock, check every part of the place if save to go, and pump the fuel in the tank.

As Iskall gets bored he immediately starts to tease me about what has happened, just to entertain himself.

"Soo what happened between you and the "cute engineer"?" He mocks. "Not your business shut the fuck up" I grunt at him, but my mind wanders to X anyway. I finally feel calm, free from my burden my thoughts he caused me.


X couldn't say that from himself. He was more stressed than before in his life. When he was younger he never had the time for crushes and relationships, the life of a young genius, but know he didn't know what will come, what to do. While he had just a stupid 'crush' on Biffa it was fine, he could hide it well enough but it didn't seem to go away and now it turned out that Biffa loved him back it was straight-up terrifying. He sat behind his monitors, in the control room, seeing the screens showing nothing unnatural. He unconsciously traced his hand on his lips, where Biffa kissed him. He remembered the kiss... Biffa suddenly pinning him to the wall, kissing him passionately, and that he had to collect every bit of consciousness that left in him to kiss back. He remembered Biffa's strong suited body pressing him to the wall. He bit his lips and looked back at the screens. Does Biffa's call mean that they are boyfriends? Or not? He was confused, and the only one who could clear that up was Biffa himself. I'm in love with one of the astronauts, and he might like me back! The thought scared him. Everybody respected the spacemen most of the group, and he didn't want to know what will happen if they find out that they kissed. Heck many of them may even be homophobes. But if everything goes as plans, he will come back from the International Space Station after he spent thirty-one days up there.


X shot back in his chair, letting out a relieved sigh. The landing unit had safely landed in the sea, at the exact location they counted, they will bring him back to the centre in a few hours. Helicopters and ships were near, and they will fish them out the sea.

Three hours had passed and X had taken a short nap and eaten something after the long shift he'd done with the landing, when he hears the noises of a helicopter landing. Biffa had come home.


Biffa was let home after a week of observation, said that he seems to be in perfect health. He walked through the building, eyes scanning every person who he saw, searching for X. He didn't know if X still loved him, or that can he call Xisuma his boyfriend.

He strode through a busy hallway when he spotted X. He ran towards him and gently took his wrist, bringing him to look Biffa in the eyes. "Are we okay?" He asked, scared from the answer. But instead of it, Xisuma had quickly taken off his helmet, and he was met with a pair of soft lips on his own, and he quickly kissed back. He took X in from his waist, pulling him in a deep embrace, not bothering to care about other people's reactions as he drowned in Xisuma's lips. They eventually pulled away, to see some of the people around frozen looking at the two.

Biffa didn't bother, just dragged X to his car to have a bit of privacy. Biffa opens the door for X, the takes his seat too. He turns to X. "Will you be my boyfriend?" He asks from the other. "Yes!" Xisuma cries out, leaning his head onto his new boyfriend's shoulder. "I have never been in a relationship before, but I'd like to try it with you, I love you so much. He whispers, as Biffa puts a hand on his waist. "I'm happy that you chose that, I love you too Xisuma.

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