Incorrect Quotes 6.

559 33 129

Guess what I'm out of inspiration again, and I also probably got a cold!

So here I present you 1100+ words of HC incorrect quotes!
Enjoy! <3

Ren: I started school with straight A-s and now I'm not even straight

Scar: So you get C-s now?

Ren: No, I've been getting D-s lately
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Xisuma: Fuck me if I'm wrong but-

Biffa: You're wrong bitch, your base at 10pm


Ren: My sexuality does not define me

Doc: How are you?

Ren: Gay


Ren, looking at Biffa and Xisuma making out in a corner: Wow they're such great bros

Biffa, momentarily stopping: Bitch what?


"Well, hello there. Long time no see. Except in my revenge fantasies where I see you on an hourly basis."

~ Hels, to Wels


Mumbo: All set up, boss.

Iskall: *points to Grian* Actually, they're the boss. I just create everything, design everything, make everyone look cooler


"Things didn't go exactly as planned, but I didn't die so that's a win"

~ Zedaph


Impulse: This was almost a great idea

Tango: You just described 90% of our stuff.


Grian *kisses Xenon on the cheek*

Xen: What was that?

Grian: Affection

Xen: Disgusting.

Xen: it again.


"I went to cheerleader camp for two weeks. I got kicked out. It's a long story. Suffice to say, I don't like liars who steal nail polish and then pass out when you slap them a little on the back of the head."

~ False


Biffa: My hair is all messed up

X: It's your morals that are messed up

Biffa: That's just my personality


Jessassin: It's quiet, too quiet

*gunshot barely misses him*

Jess: Suddenly, it's too loud. I preferred it when it was quiet


X: Rules were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.

Keralis: Uh, pinatas?

Hypno: Glow sticks?

False: Karate boards!

Stress: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.

Xen: And rules!


Ren: It's my birthday, the most fun day of the year, something you wouldn't understand because you're not programmed to feel joy.

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