Confessions and coming out (fluff)

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Hey, I won't spoil the story here, check the end! :)

This is super short, just 400 words but super cute a fluffy!

"You're gonna be my husband soon" she wiped a strand of dark brown hair out of her boyfriend's eyes, Stress smiled to teased Iskall, who layed on the top of their bed beside her. She gave a gentle peck on the cheek of her fiancé, but lifted her head away in worry seeing the small frown on Iskall's face.

"What's the problem love?" She asked.  Just after they started dating in season 4, Stress had noticed her boyfriend's mood drops at sudden times, but she could not relate them to anything. She tried asking him multiple times, but she never got an answer.

"Mmph, nothing" Iskall pecked Stress's chin giving a small smirk. "Love you know you can tell me, I won't judge you, you know it" Stress smiled, leaning onto her boyfriend's chest.

Iskall gave a long, troubled sigh, before turning to his girlfriend. "Love I have to tell you something" she whispered in a scared tone. "And what's that?" She smiled up, not a single sign of judging or worry just pure care in her eyes.

"I think I'm not cis" Iskall breathed out quickly. "Hmm good thing I'm pan then? Tell me about it love, what do feel as, what are your pronouns?" She said, smiling supportingly.

"I thing I'm nonbinary, agender... And can you try and use genderless pronouns as they/them please?" They asked worriedly, wrapping broth arms around Stress like he's afraid she'll leave him.

"Ok hun, as you wish" she smiled.

"You're gonna be my spouse" she wiped a strand of dark brown hair out of her partner's eyes.


Group Chat

Guys, I think Im agender

That's amazing we
love you!

Do you want me to
update your pronouns
in the server log?

Amazing dude, glad
to hear you figured it

So do you go by they/
them pronouns now?
And do you want to
change how you look
to be more androgynous?

I'd like to try to go
with they/them
pronouns, but I'm
happy with how I look :)

Guys, nonbinary and
agender doesn't not
mean necessarily

They can represent as
they feel like and being
more feminine or
masculine does not
change how nonbinary
they are!


"Do you Iskall 85 want Stress Monster101 as your wife?"

"Yes" Iskall answered quietly

"Do you, Stress Monter101 want Iskall 85 as your spouse?"

"I do" she smiled trough her veil shooting a reassuring look at Iskall

"You two may kiss"

And they did.

And they did

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