Splash (fluff)

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This is some adorable stuff with False and Ethos messing around with eachother.

Words: 600

"Come catch me if you're not afraid of water" False's laugh rang in the air, as she ran into the half cold water of the sea near her base. Etho had stopped at the seashore, out of breath from the long run chasing after his girlfriend, who took his mask, again!

"Just give it back to me, please!" He tried to shout after them, but he was still panting from exhaustion. "When snow is red" False laughed, throwing off her jacket to take a dip in the ocean. "Come after me and get it"

Suddenly, Etho threw away his west and went after False in a big jump to catch him, but she was faster, she reflectively jumped out of his way, so Etho had fallen face-first into the shallow sea, face buried in the sand.

"I hate you" he grunted, lifting his head out of the mud, wet dirt running down his face, as he quickly discarded his headband. "I love you too" False laughed, swimming into the deep seas with his mask.

"Give that back to me" shouted Etho, going after his girlfriend, who was getting further and further from him. He swam for some good minutes, but he still hadn't caught up fully, yet he was getting exhausted again. "That's not fair, slow down a bit!" He said between breathless pants, staring at the horizon to keep an eye on False.

"You're weak, get yourself together this isn't over yet" she laughed at his boyfriend. "If you say so" Etho smirked, getting after False, now that he got himself together.

After some minutes of chasing he finally caught up to False, grabbing her red and white striped shirt to stop her. "Get your hands off me!" She yelled, swiftly turning to face her boyfriend, hitting him in the face with her long blonde hair.

"Ouch, your hair stings" Etho yawned, looking at False with a mock sour face. "Get used to it" she laughed, splashing a handful of salty water at him. "Hey, wait no-" he frowned as some other large splashes caught his face, his hands weren't too good not letting the water to his face.

"Argh" he grunted as False had not stopped, so he joined the fight. "Thanks this" he shouted, splashing some water at her, now both of them were completely soaked. "Not for me sucker" she yelled, as she dived underwater, tugging Etho's leggings, before she pulled him down with a sudden movement.

"Abulabla" he tried to say something, but only air bubbles left his mouth. He kicked himself up from the sand to take a breath, while False came up too, and now it was his chance to drag the other down. "Gotcha" he thought, but didn't say anything learning from the past happenings.

But False wasn't the type to give just up, she kicked away his legs, and pushed her arms free, before going up to get some air then immediately after Etho got up, she pinned him down underwater to the sand. She smirked, but not for long as Etho had slipped his hand in her pocket, and now was holding his black face mask.

His face looked victorious, but False struck down, aiming for the mask. Etho just rolled out of her way, the got up for air. False pulled up too, to be met with an Etho lifting her up.

"Accept that I won, and I let you down" he smirked, looking deeply in False's beautiful blue eyes.

"And what if I'm fine here" she laughed, leaning down to kiss Etho on the lips. They both leaned in, quickly forgetting the fight of the mask, just in eachother's embrace.


Also, this chapter has "art" made by me, who had some inspiration to draw/paint.

Also, this chapter has "art" made by me, who had some inspiration to draw/paint

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While you wait for other chapters check out lgRlg2719's book :)

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