And they were roomates (lime, angst, fluff)

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Ok, I might regret naming this after a vine...

But I'm back with Biffsuma (what other, you know me...)
It's angsty, it's fluffy it has lime, everything you need

It's not a songfic, but I listened to that song a lot while writing and fits with the story a bit.

Words: 2000

X and Biffa didn't really knew eachother when they moved in together. They used an app and matched as flatmates, and after a while talking online they decided that they trust eachother to move in together.

That happened like two months ago. X was tired of waking up at 4 am to get to uni, and Biffa was working as a bouncer at a nearby bar. (Firstly X was scared a little, but Biffa seemed nice, even tho being all muscly and strong)

They didn't really bother eachother, after one agreement that Biffa's not allowed to cook it seemed to work out great.

Wish it would have. The whole thing started on a Friday night, X came home just a bit fed up with "friends", and their teasing. And Biffa will be home in a while so technically he wasn't going to be drinking alone...

When the said man arrived a few hours later, X was already tipsy, and Biffa decided to join in. He wasn't a heavy drinker, but not a lightweight for sure. (Not as opposed to X, who got tipsy over one can of beer)

But after some shallow conversations it became clear for Biffa that X was far too drunk, (Seriously that guy was extremely lightweight)so he decided that it was time for him to stop, and go to sleep for now. He'll be thankful tomorrow.

"X it's time you stop" he declared, taking the third beer can away from him, but not before he could open it. "Nooo" X whined, reaching out to grab it, but Biffa had already drunk it in one gulp.

"It's time for you to go to bed X, don't be whiny" Biffa knew he sounded like a parent trying to put their kid to bed, but some drunk people really act like kids..

After X's protests, he just picked him up (Holy shit, he was so light, it was almost concerning, now it's clear why is he a lightweight..), one hand under his knees and one holding his back, carrying the said man over to his bedroom.

It wasn't a huge place (they lived in one apartment together, it wasn't a luxury hotel), but it was so tidy and neat Biffa almost felt uncomfortable stepping in, afraid that he would mess up the perfect state of neatness. He placed X down the bed, or he tried to but he didn't let go, wrapping his arms around Biffa's neck.

"Noo, stay with mee" X mewled, hugging him stronger. Apparently X was really clingy when drunk. But Biffa didn't have the heart to leave him alone (maybe his slightly drunken state related to that) so he squeezed himself beside Xisuma on the now slightly wrinkled bed. X sat in his lap, burying his head into Biffa's chest. Biffa felt wetness on his t-shirt, and looking down and pulling Xisuma's head up he noticed the silent tears shining in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked. He knew some people became sad from drinking, but he wanted to help his flatmate, he didn't know why.

"I just realized I really want to kiss you" He sniffed. If he was sober, he probably would curse himself for saying that out loud, but he was drunk, with no filter.

And fuck it, Biffa leaned in to kiss him. It probably wasn't right, X was drunk, he was drunk, but it was just too sweet, too alluring to resist.

Their lips met in a hurry, hungry for eachother, hungry for the emotion that was deeply hidden in them.

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