Doom (fluff-ish)

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There's something funny seeing X playing Doom, one of the most gore-y games perfectly calm, just squashing demon heads... So here, Biffsuma Doom AU.

Also this one is only platonic, so you can read it if you don't ship them :)

Trigger warning: gore (it's Doom, what did you expect)

Words: 1000

I walk around the another corner, searching for some ammo, shield and upgrades. The are surrounding me is a total mess, blood, demon guts and machine scraps everywhere but nothing useful. The corridor was relatively empty, at least I could not see one usable item somewhere.. like someone has been here? 'Nah,' I slap my head, as much as I can through the mask. 'there's no way anyone survived the argent like me and I should stop thinking about it.'

I'm already struggling with my sanity, keeping your mental health is not the easiest thing when you daily have to fight down demons, imps, hell knights and other possessed, once alive men. I am lucky that I survived, but all signs point to that no other person had, and the knowledge that I'm completely alone for myself is quite depressing.

I look around, walking trough a hall to arrive at an airlocked corridor. I open the door, and step into the room ignoring the blood puddles. The only "usable thing" I see is a dead guy in a preator suit. It's cruel, how this place killed the empathy in me, now I only see the resources in the armour of the dead, and the soon to be corpse in the possessed.

But what can I do, it's terrible imagining that these men were once walking around like me, trying to escape and end the chaos just as I. I step closer, leaning down to take the module out of the suit. These are useful keycards, allowing to go trough different locked sections of this hellhole. Quite literally.

I grab the piece, but a hand grabs mine, holding it strongly.


I jump back, getting my hand out of his grasp. Their, their grasp, it's just another demon. I get my pistol ready but I don't fire just yet. I know it's a foolish move as the man in front of me is most probably a possessed, but that little hope in me stops my hand, saying 'maybe he's a survivor, let's se his move first'.

The green armoured figure does the same, jumping up, and having his weapon ready but neither of us makes a move.

An eerie quietness surrounds us, the only sounds pressing trough our masks are the beeping of the preator suits and the winds of the vents.

I stand in front of the green suited man, staring into his mask. The air is strained, my senses fixated on every move of the other, ready to shoot him if he takes a wrong step.

We stood there for minutes, and the tense aura was getting dissolved, we both lowered our weapons.

"You're alive" came a heavily corrupted voice from under the helmet, the air filters had clearly messed up his voice, but it still made my heart beat faster. I haven't heard a living human's voice if those people outside trying to get me do their work don't count, and oh god I need this.

"I guess so are you?" I answer cautiously, my eyes following every move of his, but instead of answering, he runs into me, wrapping his arms around my torso, as close as the suits leats him to get.

A bit startled, but I hung back, letting my arms around him giving back the embrace. He does not let go for a long time, some muffled whimpers can be heard through the filters of his mask.

"Shh, it's ok" I whisper, trying to calm the man down, even though I most possibly have forgotten how to speak to people, and the small empathy I was born with had probably disappeared with the monsters I have murdered, so I don't really know what's to do.

I look around making sure that the corridor is safely airlocked, and cautiously pull off the mask of the man. Silent tears are streaming down his face, and his breathing is ragged, but deep enough. "I'm here, and we will get out," I tell, hoping it would calm down him a bit, while caressing his face with my gloved hand before taking off my pink helmet.

Lucky him, getting a green armour while I'm stuck with this ugly pink and yellow..

Well, my words didn't exactly calm him down, his tears just prickled faster from his beautiful green eyes. I wipe a strand of his dark brown long hair out of his face, to see him smiling. I move my hand on his cheeks, brushing through his hair with the other one, holding him at close.

"I- thank you" he whispered, a muffled sound thought the happy tears on his face. "I- I thought I was going to die here alone, by the demons, an- and" he stopped, carefully looking up at me, before pulling away from our hug

"I'm terribly sorry I shouldn't-"

"It's okay" I cut him off, wrapping my arms around him. "It was difficult 'till here, and I'm sure it will be easier from now, but we both need some sleep."

He looked at me, and whispered a quiet "Ok"

We cut the embrace, me stepping back to carefully move out of my armour, leaving me in a black undershirt and grey leggings.

He does the same, he's wearing a turtle onesie? "Nice clothes" I laugh, as he looks down in his outfit, blushing red. "Hey, I found it clean somewhere, and it's cute" he grunted playfully. Heck, he did look extremely handsome in it...

"Well I didn't say it's not cute, you look adorable with it" I smirk at him, watching his face turn beetroot red. "Stop it, you, I don't even know your name" he answers embarrassedly.




"Biffa help- !" A scream pierced through the hall. X was in the middle, with two summoners on his back, and his armour was already wrecked. I start to run towards him when-

"X nO-"


Mwhahaha I did a cliffhanger! I'm evil >:)

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