Lovely imperfections (fluffy drabbles)

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This started as I wanted to write small drabbles about that not everything is perfect in a normal relationship, and write little drabbles about it, but maybe things are perfect...

Anyways, it has ALL hermits in it! All of them :D

Biffa leaned in, pressing a soft kiss on the admin's lips. A strand of his brown hair that had been getting in X's face had stuck between their mouths, but he couldn't care. Xisuma was just much more perfect than that.


They sat in a park, holding the freshly brought pizza slices in hand, talking, eating and sharing quick little kisses, on eachother's cheeks, noses, temples, lips. Some people stared at them or turned away with disgust, but they didn't notice it. Bdubs didn't stand up to argue with them, and Keralis didn't tear up when a mother told her kids that they shouldn't look in their way because it's "not normal", he didn't even notice. They shared that moment between them, and only them,. nothing could destroy it.


"Ssh, it's ok Doc, you can pet her" "You sure?" "Yes, it's okay"

Ren cautiously placed the kitten in Doc's lap, gently petting her head. Doc placed a hand on her back, slowly rubbing the kittens back. "You see, she won't hurt you" Doc was still fixated on the cat, but was warming up slowly. "It's not that bad" he smiled at his boyfriend.


"Guys guys guys, let's watch Frozen" Tango shouted running inside Zedaph's Cave Of Contraptions. "Yeeeesss let's watch Frozeeeeem" Zed joined, sprinting towards the TV corner. "Guys, you sure? We've seen that like a hundred times." Impulse sighed, making his way over to his boyfriends.

I was always worth seeing their smiles.


Jess and Hypno were sitting on the edge of a cliff. The sun was far beyond the horizon by now, but a thousand sparkly stars had painted the sky. They didn't look up tho, just stared into the depth below them, from where deep down the silent noise of water splashing could be heard from a small river. Hypno looked up at his boyfriend's tired expression. The many death the man had seen had made him tired and restless, but he still saw the man he fell in love with in his eyes. He scooted closer, pressing a chaste kiss on his cheek. Jess tilted his head to him, capturing his lips in a quick movement, locking in a passionate kiss.

Lots of things had changed, but their love is still the same vivid.


"Etho, where the heck are you again?" False sighed, walking around his boyfriend's base. She knew he was there, he had called out her name multiple times, but he was just too good in hiding.

"Pikaboo" Etho jumped up just being False, not expecting to be met with a sword cutting trough his abdomen. "Oh no, I'm so sorry Etho, you scared me so much" False panicked, looking around. She guided him, do sit down, with the sword inside him to apply pressure to the blood vessels it cut trough, searching for healing potions.

"Just leave me die, I'll respawn" Etho laughed like he didn't feel the extreme pain shooting trough him, pulling the sword out of him so he'd bleed out quicker. "You're out of potions" False shouted back, sitting down in front of him with a distressed smile. A puff of smoke, and Etho just appeared in the bed next to her. "Now, why did you came here?"

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