Never have I ever...(angst, fluff)

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Hurt comfort, fluffy.

Ship: Biffsuma

The hermits sat in Grian's starter base on comfortable pillows in a circle (or a potato, as it was not too perfect). It was a hot, late spring day, and it seemed like a good idea to just chill and play games together. The choice fell to Never have I ever. Of course they didn't drink, just put their hands up, it was just to get to know eachother better.

Who starts? - asked Impulse.

Can I? - Grian questioned.

As no other people wanted to start he went on.

Never have I ever wanted to take off, but hadn't got my elytra on. - said Grian smirking at Mumbo.

Arrgh Mumbo put his had up with other players, like Xisuma, Ren, Impulse and Scar.

The derps, and the spoon. - chuckled the Griamlin.

That's not fair, I'm coming next - shouted Mumbo.

Never have I ever thrown a potato into Sahara.

I feel offended - growled Grian, being the only one putting his hand up.

The game went on, everyone seemed to enjoy it until False came.

Never have I ever lost my virginity.

Most hermits reached their hands up, bit the one that actually surprised the was X, who was ways shy and everyone thought him to be ace.

Awww, who was it X? - asked Iskall, in a mock sweet tone.

"I dunno" whispered Xisuma, staring down at his legs so they couldn't see his expressions. He tried to hide his face, and bottle up his feelings.

Ooohh, you must had a fun night. - Iskall teased him giggling.

X's memories came back he couldn't stop them. The dull yellow light in the bar, the man who.. who... did that to him, make him vulnerable, a pray for other men. Xisuma, you have to stay strong, the can't see you broken, it's your stupid fault anyways that you let it happen. - he said to himself, but it did not help him much, his self doubt was taking over him.
He couldn't hold his tears much longer, so he made up an excuse, and left, to fly back to his base.

Biffa was thinking about Xisuma strange reaction and that he left so sudden. I'll better follow him, and find out what happened. He thought.

He walked out and took off into the chilly, air flying towards X-es base. They played for long, and it was getting dark, the air was getting colder as he shot across the crispy night. He Flew in the jungle, searching for white concrete towers, that showed X's home. He found it, and landed at the door. He stood silent as he heard something like a small whimper. He listened carefully, and yes someone, probably X himself, was crying in his base. He opened the door and saw an Xisuma curled up in a ball sobbing into his jumper, he discarded his armour pieces, and helmet before, now that was left on the floor.

Biffa kneeled beside him leaning down and hugging the sobbing hermit. He wanted to calm him down, make sure he's fine.

It's okay, X, it's fine. I'm here, nothing can hurt you. Calm down, listen to my breathing - he whispered to him, gently rocking the sobbing ball.

Xisuma's breathing slowed down, he stopped crying too after a while, clinging onto Biffa.

I- I'm so sorry Biffa I don't wanna be a bother, you don't have to do this. - spoke, his voice stuttering.

X, it's ok, calm down and tell me why did you cry. - Biffa tried comfort the shivering hermit.

I- I can't, you would hate me, I don't want to.

Please, I promise, I won't judge you, but please trust me.

But I'm.. I'm dirty. You don't know what did they do to me, I don't even deserve to be here with you guys. - Xisuma cried, his breath hitching.

Xisuma you do deserve to be with these amazing people, you belong to us, and you're talented, and amazing, and most definitely not dirty. - Biffa said not showing his concern about X calling himself dirty, but it worried him.

B- but I am, you don't know.

Then tell, me I really want to help you. - Biffa sat X on his lap, rubbing his to shoulders encourage him.

X broke down, he told him everything, his past, that how people used him. That he was raped often, that he couldn't do anything about it, how he suffered through all. He told things that had to fell from his chest, but he hadn't got the courage to tell it to someone. He felt somewhat lighter, but was also afraid of Biffa getting mad at him.

Biffa listened carefully to everything he said, giving him a reassuring pat on the back, or whispering courage words to X when he wa getting unsure, afraid or scared. He never commented, but he was present, hearing out him, and keeping him safe.

I'm so sorry you probably hate me now, I'm such a useless, dirty, filth. He cried. I have a stupid gay crush on one of my friends too, I'm just a faggot.

Why, would I hate you? You're not useless or dirty. That's not your fault and you're most definitely not a faggot. And I can't find a problem in having a crush on a friend, no matter their gender. I'm gay too, and heck, I'll confess, I love you Xisuma. I know you probably don't feel the same, honestly you're too pure for me, but you should know that you're perfectly loveable.

X felt like he was shocked, did Biffa his crush since uni, say that he loves him too? No it wasn't true, he probably just said that out of pity.- he thought, negativity taking over.

No you don't love me, you just saying that from pity. I mean it was quite obvious that I had a crush on you, but it's stupid, that you would love me back, no-one loves me.

Biffa was shocked. Did Xisuma really like him back? But X would not believe him that he really loves him. So he leaned down gently cupping X's face with one hand, wiping his tears away with the other. He slowly leaned down that his face was just inches apart from X's. I really love you. - he said, and leaned in and their lips touched forming a soft kiss.

After a few seconds, they pulled away leaving a soft smile on Biffa's face, and making X blush madly.

Listen X. For me you're perfect.

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