Doctor (angst, fluff)

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This happens in an AU where Doc is a real doctor.

Ship: Rendoc
1900 words

It's a mild viral infection, stay in bed and get rest, and if your fever goes higher than 38.5 °C then take some antipyretic. The symptoms should go away in five days, if not visit again.

Doc signed a receipt for some antifebrile, and he gave it to his patient.

Tell the next one to come in - he sighed. He was getting tired of work, after a long day, luckily it was nearly over. He had enough of many people demanding antibiotics for viral infection, like total morons, antibiotics only work for bacteria, like it's not 7th-grade biology. And don't get him started with anti-vax and essential oil maniacs.

He leaned back in his chair, eyeing the door, waiting for the next patient to come in, but no one came. He stood up, putting his stethoscope around his neck, and walked to the door, opening it, peeking outside, to see if are there people waiting.

Give me the number card, my son's cold is much more important than your little dog bite! - she shouted at a young boy around 20-21.

B- but I was here first - winced the boy, holding a badly bandaged up arm, which was getting wet from blood soaking through it. His face showed pain, probably cause his wounds as he shivered from fear as the woman screamed at him.

I don't care, Tommy deserves treatment sooner - the lady shrieked, holding his little Tomy close.

Stop! - Doc scowled at them.
The boy in the red shirt comes first, his injures need immediate care. - he said calmly, but with command in his voice.

But my son-

I said the boy comes, no buts, he was here first. - Doc grunted at the woman.

The doctor grabbed the boy's okay arm, and he quickly pulled him in his office, not wanting to hear the lady's screams.

So what happened to your arm? - Docm asked while showing a boy a chair to sit down, as he started unwrapping the bloody bandages.

Well my dog bite me, it's not too deep, and I tried to disinfect but it didn't stop bleeding so I decided to see a doctor. - he jabbered while trying not to wince as the doc examined his wounds.

You're lucky, it doesn't need stitches, but I'll have to disinfect it again, and bandage it up better. - Doc concluded. What kind of dog do you have? - he asked to divert the attention from the pain.

Oh, it's a Hungarian vizsla, he's usually super cute and playful, but lately, I couldn't go to walk him so he became a little grumpy, that he bit me. - Ren told, while watching amazed how Doc's firm fingers quickly clean his bites. He's sexy - he whispered under his breath, but scolded himself right after. Ren stop your gay is showing he told himself, blushing madly.

Oh, that's bad, why couldn't you walk him? - Doc asked seemingly paying no attention to what he murmured, but he faintly blushed too. The thought the boy was cute, even if it was hard to admit himself. You can't just go and kiss your patients, you don't want to go to prison. - he scolded himself.

I had terrible back pains lately, and I could hardly move with them. - he said, bit scared that the doctor will scold him by not visiting him because of it.

But Doc continued to bandage up his arm.
You want me to check on that? - he asked casually, not wanting to scare off his patient. Also, can I have your name?

My name is Ren - said the boy. And now that I'm here can you check my back, please? - he said, fidgeting with the edge of his shirt.

Yes of course. - answered Doc while pouring alcohol on a cotton bud. While he was working on his arm, he asked about his pains, when did it occur, else. He didn't find any signs answering what did it cause so he asked him to take off his shirt, to examine his back. He massaged his back in places, (which made Ren shudder and blush madly, but Doc acted if he didn't see it) asking him if did it hurt, but no avail.

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