Sunset confessions (fluff)

840 31 44

I need to write about my asexual ship, EthoxFalse bc they're really cute and asexuality is real, and needs be common knowledge.

And not to be titled as a mental illness.

Words: 1500

"Oh Etho, don't be a coward just come over to us, we don't mind you at our girls night" Tiffany whined, dragging Etho from his wrist.

"Uhh I- I'm sorry, but I don't really want to, I mean I don't want to sound mean but I wouldn't want to go with you" the white haired boy murmured, grabbing his wrist with his free hand to try and get it freed from the others grip.

Tiffany, and her companions, Chelsea, Zoe and Keira didn't really like the sound of that. No boy ever said no to their late night parties, and this one will go with them too. Etho was a good looking boy, with his uncommon naturally white hair, pale skin and unique red eyes..

"Ohh sweetie, you don't know how much fun we can give you" Zoe said seducively, "I'll to sleep with you for a night, you look so sweet, I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss that" her voice dropped to a bare whisper, leaning closer to Etho, her lips just about to meet the boy's when he stepped back with a sudden movement.

"N- no " his eyes widen, desperately looking around for some kind of help, himself don't really knowing for what. The hall was crowded, people running to classes, of picking up supplies from their lockers then heading to lunch. Etho decides the best is to run, and he rushed trough the hallway to the boy's bathrooms.

He closes the stall door after himself, and sats down toilet. He buries his face in his hands, rubbing his fingers to his eyes, angrily grunting to himself. 'Why did he run away?' All of his friends wouldn't refuse an offer like that, and here he is, he runs away just to the mention of sex.

What is he? Someking of abnormal man, who's afraid of the thing every normal teen wants. He's dysfunctional.

He's scared going back to class, afraid of his classmates laughing at him for being a coward. He doesn't want to go back to his friends, they would scold him, he got the opportunity to go somewhere his mates just dreamed of and he refuses it, they wouldn't get a story told them by him.

The bell rings, and you could hear fabric brushing, shoes stepping quickly to the tiles in the hallway, everyone rushing to class.


This happened so long ago in highschool, but the memory is still vivid in his mind. Oh, how he hated school after that, he became the kid who's afraid of sex. He didn't know why it was, but he still didn't feel like sleeping with anyone, not just not wanting hook-ups, but he didn't really want to sleep with False too..

He was afraid that it will hurt their relationship, the was taught that sex is a very important part of stable romantic connection in a couple, but he didn't feel like he would ever in his life be ready for it.

This made him feel like a defect, a failed human being. He never mentioned this to anyone, not to his parents, not to his previous partners even if they almost always broke up because of he didn't want to sleep with them.

But even if he wouldn't have sex with False, he loved her with all of his soul and mind, maybe more that he ever loved anyone in the world, and he was just scared of loosing her. What if she would just broke up with him if he isn't willing to sleep with her, as the others?


"Hi False, how are you?" Abigail asked, just as she arrived at the fencing class.

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