Prompts (fluff)

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Well, this was a journey to write! But I finished all the prompts you have me, so now enjoy and read!

For: sixth_bright_shiner , enjoy!

Etho didn't know how he got here, sitting on the top of the mountain, staring at the sunset with Beef.

Ok, well he did know, but he was still surprised that Beef actually took his offer.

The sunset was beautiful. The sun was dark orange, the are around it slowly fading into a light yellow, the warm colours contrasting the dark blue sky. It was such a beautiful moment between them, as friends.

Yeah, only friends.

Etho looked down for a minute, taking his eyes from the sun down to his lap, glancing at his side.

Suddenly he was very aware how close he and Beef sat, and it filled him with both anxiety and that warm, fuzzy feeling that he knew was love.

He noticed that their hands were juts a few centimetres away, almost touching. His heartbeat sped up, as he placed his hand on top of the other man's, quickly looking up to the sun and away from Beef, hopefully the man won't see his blush.

He felt the other hand breaking apart, but before he could apologize his hand was gently squeezed into the others palm.


For: WelshKitsune <3

"Also, what's about your boyfriends? Wait, not boyfriend and enbyfriend. Haven't you got like two? Such selfish leave some for the rest of us!" Wels jokes, shifting the theme.

"Uh, yeah well I have..." He looked away, not really knowing what to say. The question was sudden, and it felt far too personal, or sensitive.

"Oh, wow you're lucky then! How's life been with your boyfr- boyfriend and enbyfriend?

"Okay I guess .." Hels was still unsure about what to say, what this show and what to hide from his brother.

"Is there something bothering you? Wait, is it something about your trouple?"

Damn Wels for knowing him so well, he could basically read him like an open book. Plus one point of annoyingness.

"I guess. I'm just not sure I deserve them, with all my past. Sure Xen had done some stuff but they never really harmed anyone too much and Grian is just a gremlin. I feel like I don't really deserve that they love me, after how loveless and cruel I was" he said, nervously gesturing with his hands.

"And yes you've been here and nice and you love me but that not the same, and I don't want to sound mean, but you love me differently than they"

"It's okay Hels. I know you weren't always the best person, but listen, both Grian and Xen knows your backstory, and they're adult man and enby, they know what they did when they chose to be with you. And if you're still nervous ask them, they will help I'm sure."

Although Hels still felt like they're wrong, his racional mind said that Wels is true. And he was slowly, slowly getting used to that point of view.


For: puppiesandpink

"Okay, so unmessupable easy cake recipe, shouldn't be that hard?" Tango said to himself, pulling up the tab on his phone. This was starting good.

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