Sailor (angsty)

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I'm back! But I don't think I can do the once a week update thing. I'll share my stories when I want so it will be random. There could multiple stories a week or zero, it really depends. But now have this

Iskall watched as the large waves crashed and collapsed on eachother. The wind flew into their face, they had to blink rapidly because of all the salty air and vapour.

It was almost midnight, but they couldn't lay their head to sleep, the memory of the pervious nights, the ringing in the back of their head had kept them up, not allowing them to rest for just one night.

And so there they was again, staring onto the open sea, allowing themself to freely fall for the siren.

She had been haunting them for months, and they knew everytime they fell harder and harder after each song they heard, but for them, it was now impossible to stop.

They had been mesmerized by the voice that called for them every night, drawing them closer and closer into her grasp, until they would give in to every command of hers.

It wasn't a fair game, they knew, but they no longer cared. In every minute of their awake thoughts was the voice ringing in their ear, like a faint, but never disappearing echo that was constantly calling for them out of their mind.

And here they was again, waiting for the siren to call, wanting to get the release of falling under the enchanting, bewitching sound that will one day be the death of theirs.

But they no longer cared. After the month of unpleased desire, they had given up all, blindly, but not deafly falling under the power.

And the siren came again, her voice called like an angel and this time Iskall didn't resist. They blindly followed the otherworldly sound, wherever it may would bring them.

She called from the sea, and he walked towards it, never stopping. They climbed trough the railing, and jumped into the sea. Not even the shock of the cold water on their skin, drenching their clothes and pulling them down had made them sober, the month of addiction taking over their mind.

They swam towards the sound, not aware of the strength pulling them down, into the depths of the sea, breaking them from the air.

They hadn't noticed when they started drowning, the water filling their lungs, their mind getting cut of oxygen, and slowly they had fallen unconscious.

They never felt how the siren caught them, how their body laid in her hands lifeless. But that didn't mean they wasn't with her.

The next day the corpse of a sailor swam on the waves of the ocean.

But the sailor was with their love, forever.

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